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hugogw we're on our way, really hoping you're going to be alright

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hugogw we're on our way, really hoping you're going to be alright.

[tagged: rosee]

lilylp is she okay?

lucyrw absolutely unfair that the only one of us who can go see her is hugo

hugogw you can see her too, mcgonagall just says you've got to wait until the weekend lucyrw

hugogw sibling rights I guess

louisw if she wakes up tonight, let her know we're here for her and we'll try to visit this weekend :)

alpotter yes she's okay but she needs to spend some time in st mungo's to be sure lilylp

louisw what happened?

islatf Dementors. We're not supposed to say too much right now, but I'll let you know when I can louisw

vicweasley Rose is going to be fine. We've been checking on her constantly and though it was a close call, the dementor didn't kiss her. You guys got lucky

freddieweasley I wouldn't call getting attacked by Dementors lucky vicweasley

vicweasley Lucky it wasn't worse.



domw feel better soon rosie, sorry I can't be there xx

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domw feel better soon rosie, sorry I can't be there xx

[tagged: rosee]

lysandersc rt

lysandersc I mean Vic's a professional healer and she says Rose'll be alright, so we need to trust her

hugogw the healers said she's improving, I think it's going to be okay

domw thank god


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