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Direct Messages

have you heard from
Rose recently?? It's been
almost two weeks since
she posted something and
I haven't heard from her
since before that happened

I'm starting to get a bit
nervous lol

yeah she just texted
me last night

I'm sorry, she's
probably just
struggling right now,
I'll let her know you

thank you



domw teddy's drunk and crying about how much he loves us all send help

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domw teddy's drunk and crying about how much he loves us all send help

[tagged: teddylupin]

vicweasley omw

domw I'm sorry I emptied ur refridgerator vicweasley

vicweasley ....reluctantly forgiven.

islatf honestly? who wouldn't love me

domw get out of here u arrogant bitch islatf

domw blockt

islatf You just can't handle how incredible I am

domw "I wanna marry all of you, but like, just a friendly thing you know? Like a friendship marriage. Is that a thing? Wait, no, that's just called being best friends. You're all my best feiends! Except Vic, she's my BEST best friend and I'm gonna marry her in a NOT friendship way" I'm losing it over here

lysandersc Is teddy okay? Do we need to take him to st mungos?

roxxy He's like this sober too, this is nothing special lysandersc

lysandersc idk I haven't heard him cry about everyone being his best friend before, this seems like a new one

roxxy Consider yourself lucky then lysandersc




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