Eighty Eight

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lizzysawyer there,,,,, was a dog

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lizzysawyer there,,,,, was a dog.

[tagged: lilylp]


rosee "Goodest"

lilylp Judge me all you want but just remember that I saw the puppy and you did not

rosee You don't deserve the puppy

lilylp *gasp* you didn't!

lizzysawyer hey how disappointed would people be if I stole a dog

sammacmillan I wouldn't recommend it

lizzysawyer you can't control me

sammacmillan No, but I can still be disappointed and judge your poor life decisions

lizzysawyer damn :(

lilylp dw I'll steal a dog and give it to you

lilylp and he will be the cutest dog you've ever seen.

lizzysawyer this is what true friends are for


alpotter When you said we were going to do something fun today, this really wasn't what I pictured

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alpotter When you said we were going to do something fun today, this really wasn't what I pictured

[tagged: scorpm]

scorpm It's perfectly fun!  You're just boring

alpotter I guess it depends on your definition of fun

rosee Looks like fun!

alpotter of course you'd think so

scorpm Hey, we'll do whatever you want after this.  It's a good book though, you should read it

alpotter I'll think about it

jamessiriusp ^ by which he means he's never ever going to read it

alpotter ignore jamie, he's just mean.  and you don't have to stop doing whatever you want to do just for me, lol

alpotter besides, you look so cute when you're focused, so I'm not complaining  [UNSENT]

lysandersc What if I'm illiterate?

alpotter what do you mean 'what if', you are

lysandersc Don't expose my secrets like this

scorpm I didn't even expect you to know a word as big as 'illiterate'

lysandersc Okay first of all -

lysandersc Rude

lysandersc and second of all -

lysandersc Actually I really don't know where I was going with this

3rd update today bc I'm just nice like that

Imagine actually knowing where the plot is going lol bc I've got pretty much no idea

Also I'm sorry this story isn't nearly as good as I wanted it to be but hey at least I'm writing something

Once I finish this + the sequel it's probably going to need I might write an improved social media book?? Idk

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