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alpotter we're wandering around the muggle towns and the sky just clouded over and turned dark so if for some reason we don't return, just know it was ghosts

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alpotter we're wandering around the muggle towns and the sky just clouded over and turned dark so if for some reason we don't return, just know it was ghosts.

[tagged: scorpm, rosee, islatf]

islatf but ghosts are perfectly nice most of the time??

rosee not in muggle horror films they're not islatf

scorpm ^I think Al's got an obsession with them

alpotter I do not scorpm

alpotter I mean yes they're great but I just kept watching them with you because you seemed like you enjoyed them a lot

rosee :) :) :) scorpm

scorpm I guess we both had the same idea then



rosee spookyyyy

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rosee spookyyyy

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teddylupin Why is it dark its not even evening yet

rosee yeah its probably going to rain teddylupin

freddieweasley oooOoOooOOo I'm a ghOOooOosT!!

mollyweasley This is a reminder that trespassing is illegal, in case Al was getting any ideas

alpotter why are you attacking me mollyweasley

alpotter I can do what I want

rosee don't even think about it


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