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vicweasley Three years with the one and only Teddy Lupin, the actual loml

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vicweasley Three years with the one and only Teddy Lupin, the actual loml

[tagged: teddylupin]

teddylupin what no

teddylupin I was gonna post first

teddylupin I'm so hurt

teddylupin I had it all planned out and everything that I was gonna wake up super early in the morning just so I could make the first anniversary post and no matter what I do, you always win

teddylupin But I love you

teddylupin but now I have to make an even better post since you posted first

rosee aw goals ^

jamessiriusp haha look at Teddy and Vic being all annoyingly (and adorably) in love

vicweasley I knew you would admit that we're adorable someday, Jamie

vicweasley Even if it took you a while

lilylp Has it really only been three years? It feels like you two have been together forever

teddylupin I know, it really does lilylp



teddylupin This picture was taken three years ago today, on my very first date with Victoire Weasley

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teddylupin This picture was taken three years ago today, on my very first date with Victoire Weasley. At the time, I knew she had been my best friend for pretty much all my life, and I didn't expect that friendship to become what it is now. She is, without a doubt, the kindest, most beautiful person I know. I'm so lucky to be with her, and to know she loves me as much as I do her.

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