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lilylp Hogsmeade with some very strange friends of mine

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lilylp Hogsmeade with some very strange friends of mine

[tagged: hugogw, louisw, lorcans, lysandersc, lizzysawyer]

sammacmillan What are you guys doing in Hogsmeade?

lilylp adventuring sammacmillan

alpotter Lily it's like 10 pm on a Tuesday, you're not even supposed to be out of school

hugogw We're fine, al

hugogw I know for a fact you guys did things like this all the time in school

teddylupin To be fair, Lily's done a lot worse

sammacmillan Albus has a point

alpotter See? I've got logical reasoning for this

lilylp it's none of your concern alpotter sammacmillan

lilylp honestly

alpotter None of my concern? It's one thing to sneak out in broad daylight when you can see well but it's pitch black out there, you can't see a thing

lilylp this isn't the war, what the fuck do you expect to happen? do you think voldemort's gonna suddenly resurrect or delphi's going to fucking teleport out of prison and kill us all? ffs, it's just hogsmeade

jamessiriusp that isn't funny, lils

lilylp remind me where I asked??

alpotter jfc lily I never said any of that, I just mean that you need to be careful. There's been more than a few times that muggles have found their way into hogsmeade, ESPECIALLY at night, and tried to hurt people when they saw magic

alpotter I don't want any of you to make a wrong decision and get hurt because of it

scorpm I'm sure they're being careful alpotter

scorpm and Hugo's right, we did sneak out of school a lot. I wouldn't worry too much

alpotter okay

scorpm But at the same time, Lily, you need to calm down a bit, Al is just trying to help

lilylp It's not a big deal, al

lilylp and I don't need your help

louisw it's just hogsmeade, we'll be fine, don't worry about us

lysandersc ^ but we'll be extra careful just in case, we're perfectly safe

hugogw we'll keep an eye on lily. we're all being cautious, but you're right.

lorcans We're going to go back to Hogwarts soon anyway

lizzysawyer You should have come with us sammacmillan

sammacmillan But there's a reason we're not allowed out past dark or to Hogsmeade without permission

lilylp We're on our way back to school so you can all quit worrying

lilylp and I don't need you to 'keep an eye on me', hugo.

jamessiriusp are you okay, lily?

lilylp i'm fine, James.

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