The Father

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"s/n, they came out positive. What do I do?" I bring the tests out to prove it. I put them on the table as she puts 4 plates down. "Well, I think the next step is to try and figure out who the dad is. If you remember who you did it with," my sister responded as the kids walked through the door.

I quickly hid the tests and went to my bedroom to keep them safe until later when we can do some searching. I came back to find my sister and the kids sitting at the table waiting for me. I sit down with them and start to eat my dinner.

After we all eat, I clean up the dishes and help Morino with his homework. "y/n, can you put Kito to sleep? She's being stubborn." My sister came to switch places with me, while I went to put Kito to sleep. "Ki-kito, sweetie, do you want to go to sleep?" She shakes her head 'no' and pouts. I sigh and walk next to her bed.

I get her to lay down, still pouting, and start singing her favorite lullaby.

By the time I finish the song, I notice she's asleep and quietly walk out of the room closing the door behind me. " She's asleep, everyone quiet." I whisper announce to both Morino and s/n. They nod, and Morino puts his homework away.

At Morino's bedtime, I get the tests out again. Staring at them as if they might have an answer. It gets to be midnight before I'm forced to go to bed. "Tomorrow we'll try to do more searching," my sister dragged me to bed. We still sleep on bunk beds, and because I am younger by a couple years I chose the top bunk when we first moved in and still sleep there.

The next morning, I climb down and wake up a little bit. I help get the kids ready for their school. S/n and I each take one kid to their school because they go to different schools. I take Kito to school as s/n takes Morino.

We say our goodbyes to each other because we won't see each other until tonight. "Ok, Kito. Will you be a good girl and actually go in without struggling?" I ask as we walk on the fastest route to her school. She nods her head yes and we both continue our way down to the school. On our way, we see the glimpses of multiple heroes on the streets. I guess everyone is on high alert now, I wonder what happened.

Kito looks up to me and back at a hero. I look at the hero she's looking at and smile. "You want to go say hi?" I look back down at her and she frantically nods her head 'yes'. I take her hand and walk over to the Pro Hero Pinky (Mina).

"Hey! How can I help you two?" She brightly smiles at us and I look at Kito who half way hides behind my leg, being very shy. "She saw you and wanted to say hi," I look back at her. "She's shy about these things and does this with everyone."

Mina kneels down to Kito's level and takes her hand. "You seem really nice. And I think you'll make a great hero. I need to get back to work, have a nice day!" She smiled brightly at Kito which made her smile too, and gave me a quick hug as we said our goodbyes.

We continue on our way and bump into another prohero. "Hey, do you know what's going on? There's more heroes out today than normal." I ask as he passes us. "Yeah, there's been a lot of villain attacks in this area recently and the heroes here just wanted some extra help with patrolling the area. Everything's fine though, just continue on with your day." He smiled at us and sent us on our way.

We continue on our path to the school and get there on time. As promised, Kito goes in with no struggle. I wave goodbye as she walks in the door. I turn around and walk away as she enters the building. I walk back to the apartment and turn on the news for some extra noise and to confirm what the hero said to me and Kito on our way to school earlier. I try to stare at the tests again for a bit until I see a very familiar shade of yellow show on the screen. I look up and gasp, no way. Could it be him?


Author's Note: I'm sorry this one's a little longer than I would have hoped. But I didn't want to end it until you got an idea of who it might be! Although from the title, it doesn't take much to figure that out. Anyways, like I said before, I will have to go from daily uploads to 2-3 times a month. I will also hopefully update some of my other books. Anyways, Love you and Stay safe! <3

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