The Father pt. 2

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" guy I-..." I stuttered out as soon as I realized it. I waited until they showed the back of his head, because that's all I saw that morning. When they finally did, I pretty much confirmed it. That was him. I slept with an actual hero.

I was freaking out internally, thinking things like 'why did this happen' or 'why me?' I always wanted kids, but I would've liked to be married first. Once my internal freakout was over I quickly did a google search for the hero Chargebolt's agency. It wasn't too far, luckily. Only 3 stops away on a train.

I grab my bag along with a positive pregnancy test, to prove it, and head out the door. I practically ran to the train station because I knew it would arrive soon and I don't want to miss it. As I get there, I just get to see the train leave. I sigh in defeat and sit down as I wait for the next train.

While I'm sitting, I see a very creepy man walk up to me, maybe 5'9, and he walks very slowly. Like by the time the train arrives he's still not even close, but I'm afraid to move. Until someone comes to my rescue. "Hey, what're you doing just sitting there, come one! We have a party to go to." She said to me in a very excited voice like she's known me for a while. "O-ok," Idecide that going with her is safer than being anywhere near the other guy. "I'm sorry about that, you just looked really uncomfortable and I wanted to get you out of there."

"It's fine, really. You actually saved me back there, so I must thank you." I smiled back at her, reassuring her. She smiled and we ended up sitting together until the train stopped a 3rd time. I got up and walked off, a little shaken but still ok.

"Ok, now to the agency," I muttered to myself as I walked. I pulled up the location on my phone and saw it was nearby. I texted my sister even though she's at work. 'I'm out right now, won't be home until later hopefully. I'll say when I'm home. Love you <3'

I look for key places around the agency that are easier to spot. I notice my favorite ice cream place across the street from it and decide to go there after, no matter what. I start walking there, and smile when I see the sign. I look across the street and see a brown-reddish building. I cross the street, and walk up the stairs. I reach for the door knob, freezing my motions when I actually touch it. I take a deep breath and slowly turn the handle. I open the door, and take a single step in before closing the door behind me.

"Hi, how are you?" The receptionist greets me warmly.

"I'm fine, is Chargebolt in right now?"

"Unfortunately, not right now. Is it important?" I nod in response, "I can set up a certain time for you two to meet next time he's available if you want," she starts typing on the computer. "That's ok, can you call me next time he's here? I'll give you my number," she gets out a sticky note and a pen. I quickly write my number on it and leave, thanking her for her time and she does the same telling me to have a good day. I walk out of the door and go to the ice cream shop.

I walk in and get in line. I decide to scroll through Instagram on my phone while I wait. Eventually I get to the counter and order some f/f ice cream with rainbow sprinkles on top. I pay and sit down. As soon as I sit down, I eat my ice cream and continue scrolling through Instagram. Once I'm done I thank the people for their time and for the ice cream. They tell me to have a good day as well, as I walk out the door.

As soon as I got to the train station, I got a call from the agency saying that he's back, and I ran. I mean as fast as I could. I ran back to the agency and stopped for a moment to catch my breath and think about what I'm supposed to say. Once I catch my breath, I step back up to the doorknob, with butterflies building in my stomach. I take a deep breath and open the door again.

I'm greeted by the same receptionist, "Hello again, he should be in that room over there," she points to a door a little down the hall, "if you need anything else I'm right out here." She smiles and I walk down the hall, time seemingly slowing down. I knock on the door lightly. "Come on in," I open the door and peek in, "What can I help ya with?" I come in entirely and take a breath. I've always been nervous talking to people with authority for what seems like no reason.

"I-I think I might be pregnant. With your baby." I speak slowly, my voice shaking slightly, hopefully he didn't notice. "Well, how can you be so sure?" His tone changed entirely, and I took out the pregnancy test, sitting in one of the 2 chairs on my side of his desk.

"I took this just a couple days ago. About a week earlier, I went out drinking with my sister and woke up next to you completely naked. The only thing I saw about you was the back of your head and your hair color. When you were on the news this morning, it showed the back of your head for about 3 seconds. I was almost certain that it was you that night."

"Well, you still can't prove-"

"I left a note that morning that said I 'had to go' and 'I was busy that morning'." His eyes widened, and I think he realized I might be right. He pulled out the note and confirmed it. "Can you please write a few words for me?" He got out a piece of paper and a pen. I complied and wrote the words as he said them.

"" I handed him the piece of paper. He looked like he had just seen a ghost. "Believe me yet?" He ignored me and left.


Author's Note: I'm so so sososo sorry I made this part longer! It was almost 4 pages long on google docs. I will try to keep them short from here. I hope everything's ok with everyone, if not you can message me, My PMs are open 24/7 although I won't respond right away, I'll still read it. Love you and Stay safe! <3

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