Family Dinner (pt. 3)

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We all sat down at the table for our dinner, sushi. One of my favorites, and if M/N wasn't here, I would freak out. But she's judging everything.

"Well, dear. You've gained some weight," She starts off. I widen my eyes at her bluntness, and Denki does as well. Averting his gaze to me.

"Just getting right to the point," I start, "I'm actually pregnant."

"Oh, so you're a slut now? You're a whore now? I knew living with your sister was a bad idea. I want you to move out of here!" She raises her voice. I start to regret inviting her.

At least I told her, right? "Mom, calm down. This isn't something based on influence. In case you haven't noticed, she brought the father with her. And I still don't know who the fathers of Kito and Morino are." S/N stepped in.

"Well, I don't care. You both are great examples of what a whore is. Kito, Morino, don't end up like your mom or your aunt." She smiled at the children, and they awkwardly smiled back.

"Please don't talk to my kids like that." S/N started serving the food. I can already tell how this dinner is going to go.

"I can talk to them however I like. They're my family, too."

"Let's just move past this, mom, this is Denki Kaminari. My boyfriend and the father of my children." I introduce him and I can feel his hand grip my thigh in nervousness. She looks him up and down.

"Uhh, Nice to meet you Mrs. L/N," He removes his hand from my thigh and puts it out to shake. She only looks at him with disgust. He retracts his hand, embarrassed.

"I guess it's nice to meet you as well. At least Y/N got a real boyfriend instead of being like you." Mom glared at my sister as she put a plate down in front of me first. "Woah woah woah, why are you serving her first? I'm the guest! I get the first plate!" She yelled angrily at S/N as she set my plate to the side. She filled up another plate with less food and handed it to mom. "Well, now this is much better."

I get handed a plate next, then Denki. Morino and Kito got their plates next. S/N served herself last and sat down with the kids on her left and mom on her right. Denki was sitting on my right while my mom was sitting on my left.

The actual dinner was quiet. Kind of uncomfortable, but really nostalgic. This is how dinners always were when S/N and I were kids. Quiet. S/N glanced over as we both ate. We always found ways to talk to each other during the quiet dinners. I glanced back, responding to her message.

We continue to do this, and mom doesn't notice, or if she does she doesn't say anything. The rest of the dinner was just like this. When it was over, I collected the dishes from everybody and put them in the sink.

"Morino, make a choice. Dishes, or clean up the toy room?" S/N turns to her kids.

"Dishes!" Morino smiles.

"Alright! Get to it, then. Kito, make a choice. Clean the toy room, clean off the table?" Morino gets out of his seat and goes to do the dishes, pulling out the little step stool.

"The toy room!" Kito runs off to the toy room.

"That leaves us with the table." S/N and I get up and clear the dishes. Denki and mom clear their own dishes, and go over to the couch. I can tell mom is interrogating him from here.


Author's Note: I'm done writing for the day. Mentally I'm exhausted and I'm gonna take a break for a couple days. I just need to recharge my batteries. Also, I'm getting Karen vibes from the mom, and I both love and hate it. Love you all and Stay safe! <3

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