Second Doctor's Appointment

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After dessert, S/N and I sat down in front of the computer. "You need to have another doctor's appointment. Just to check up on your health and the babies' health." She typed on the computer.

The day of the doctor's appointment, I acted like a child. Denki, luckily, knew how to calm me down. He knew all of the tricks, too. While we were waiting, I kept my arms wrapped around Denki's.

We only waited a few minutes before my name was called. I clinged to Denki the whole way back. We sat down in the ultrasound room and waited for the nurses to come.

After the nurse came in, she did my check up as normal. Blood pressure, reflexes, height, etc. After she left, the doctor from last time came in. Dr. Meyaboro.

"Hello, Y/N. And hello, Denki. How are you two today?" the doctor asked as she came in. Both of us nodded and said good, almost in unison. "That's good to hear. Would you mind lifting your shirt up, Y/N?" She put on a pair of latex gloves and smothered her hands in some kind of liquid.

I refused, but Denki lifted my shirt enough to show my stomach. It is getting kinda big. The doctor warned me of the cold liquid, then smothered it on my big belly. After putting it on, the doctor did the ultrasound.

"Everything looks nice and healthy with your twins. Would you like to know their genders?" She asks while looking back at us.

We look at each other. "I think we do." I say as I turn back to the doctor. Denki nods in agreement, with pure joy on his face.

*Timeskip after appointment*

"We should have a gender reveal party. You can invite all your friends. Like that Bakugou guy. Or some of the other people I've heard about." I smile as we walk out of the doctor's office.

"Have you not met them? I thought you had, my bad. Yeah, I'll gladly invite them."He beams with excitement as he holds onto the little yellow envelope with the future of our new family in it.


Author's Note: I know I haven't been uploading much this summer, and I'm sorry about that. I've been busy, and I'm gonna continue to be busy for another while. School starts up this month, and I've got a lot of stuff to do before then. So, please don't expect too many updates from me for the next couple months or so. Love you all and Stay safe! <3

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