Doctor's Appointment

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*Time skip, about 3-4 weeks*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm on my phone. I slowly open my eyes and turn it off. I notice a notification from messenger. It says 'First show of the month is today! Try not to be late. 😄'

It's from my instructor. I work myself out of bed and get some clothes on. They feel slightly tighter than before, because my stomach has grown. I get out to the main area and grab some breakfast. As I do, I look at the calendar. My first doctors appointment is this morning.

I call Kaminari, to remind him. It rings and rings, but goes to voicemail. I sent a message to my instructor asking for a pass today because of my doctor's appointment. She sends a message back, 'Ok, Just try not to be too late today.'

I smile while looking at it. Happy she gave me the ok. I walk back to my room and try calling kaminari again. It rings and rings, but this time he answers.

"Hello," I start.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Not much, but I just wanted to remind you there's an appointment today."

"Ok, thank you for reminding me. It's in like a couple hours, right?"

"Yeah, I'm getting ready now, you should too then we can meet at the doctor's office."

"Ok, It's the one downtown, right? Meyaboro's?"


"Ok, I'll see you there then. Bye!"


I hang up and finish fixing my hair and doing my makeup. I go to my sister's room and I see her with Morino and Kito. She waves me off and the kids follow suit quickly, waving me off too. I wave back and walk to the door. I put my shoes on and walk out the door. I walk down to the street and start walking down to the bus stop. I sit down and almost instantly get recognized by a few fans. Luckily though, they just wanted a picture and an autograph real quick.

I personally don't mind doing this, but Nichi and Amari don't like giving out free autographs. We reach downtown, and the bus stops, I get off and start walking to the doctor's office. It's not a long walk, just a couple roads away. I wait outside the front entrance for Kaminari.

A few minutes later, I see his car show up. Luckily there wasn't a huge crowd, so no paparazzi to deal with. "Hey babe," He puts his arm around shoulders. He always greets me like this because it earns him a smile from me. Also, did I mention we're dating now? Yeah, we've been together for about a month now.

When we get inside, the receptionist greets us and hands us the forms we need to fill out. When we fill everything out, we play the waiting game. As time went on, I drifted to sleep on Denki's shoulder.

About 20 minutes or so later, I am shaken awake. "Hey, it's time to go back." I woke up to Denki's voice from beside me. I rub my eyes awake and stand up. I looked around my seat to make sure I didn't leave anything.

Luckily, it doesn't look like I'm too pregnant yet. I'm a little self conscious if I'm being honest. But, as I'm walking back to the office to check up on the baby's growth. I sit back on a chair surprised at how far back it really goes.

"Hello, Y/N. It's nice to see you again. How's that wrist?" The doctor greeted me as we walked in.

"Hey Dr. Meyaboro. It's nice to see you too. It's fine, I've been stretching it like you suggested. This is my boyfriend, Kaminari," I said as I gestured to him inside. He was reluctant to come in for a moment, but came in when I tugged on his arm.

"Hello. Y/N has been my patient for her whole life. I was actually the doctor who delivered her 20 something years ago." The doctor introduced himself to Kaminari as he stuck out his hand to shake.

Kaminari took it and introduced himself, "Nice to meet you. Does that mean you have stories about her?" The doctor unfortunately shook his head no, then pats the seat for me to sit down.

*timeskip to after the appointment*

"So, your babies are nice and healthy so far and-"

"Wait, babies?! I thought there was only one!" I cut off the doctor.


Author's Note: I'm sorry I'm posting this a little late. I promise I enjoy writing this story, I've just been kinds busy. Please be patient with me as I'm still in school and my schoolwork takes priority over these. I love you guys and Stay safe! <3

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