Chapter 1

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In story. Midterms are completed. After midterms.

In a class. Students were sitting in lecture. When they heard announcement. They sat quite and lecturer too stop his lecture.

Announcement: Students of first year and third year will come to auditorium after this classes of today for Annual project.

Girl (sadly sighed): Huh!! Why only 1st and 3rd year class? Cause of this old age man. I missed chance to talk with him. When I was in 1st year. I was working for project but he was in 2nd year, then when I was in 2nd year, he worked for project as he was in 3rd year. Now I am in 3rd year but he is not in college. He is graduate now. Wow!! (Sarcastic): Please clap for me everyone
Girl2 (pulling girl1's cheek): My bub is missing her hazel guy.
Girl1 (rolling her eyes): Reemie shut up.

From the back benches.

Boy1 (singing): Hone lage hain.....
Girl3 (singing): Yeh silsile.....
Boy2 (singing): Aankho ke....

Girl1 (glaring): Guys keep your mouth shut.
Boy1: Avi now he isn't in college.
Boy2: Now you can't even take his glances
Avi: Ayman, Ridham keep quite don't irritate me.
Girl3: Yeah avu. Lecture is so boring you can sleep and get lost in dreams.
Girl4: Prish is correct avi. In dreams you can check him out.

All her friends chuckled.

Lecturer: Ridham, Ayman, Rima, Reem, Prisha, Avneet what's going on there?

They all stood up.

All together: Sorry sir.
Lecturer: Get out of my class now.
Ayman: Okay sir. As today we have discussions after this lecture with principal sir. So now we are going to auditorium.
Ridham: Yeah and there principal sir will ask why we are here in the time of lecture?
Rima: We will reply him that Tony Sir kicked us out.
Avi: But but but not before informing that sir was busy in talks with his girlfriend in lecture.
Lecturer: I am explaining you but not talking with anyone.
Rima: But sir in previous lecture you were in 2nd year class. In that class you were busy on phone.
Lecturer (shocked): How do you know?
Ridham: Voh as you were not explaining or paying any attention to class. Me and anushka had chat.

Whole group looked at ridham and smirked.

Ridham (rubbing back on his neck): Guys let's deal with sir first then I will fill you up with whole information.
Reem (smirk): Fair enough.
Prisha (taking attention towards sir): Back to topic sir.
Ayman: Wait at this age you got girlfriend? Anyways be happy with your girlfriend and let us be happy too.
Reem: So yaa sir we have recordings too. Want to hear?
Prisha (mimicking sir): Oh my baby!
Ayman (confused): Wait wait sir!! At this age how you are calling her baby? I am sure your babies have babies.
Avi (chuckled): Sir it's your choice call her whatever you want. Can we leave now?

Whole class was silently laughing looking at these 6 and lecturer. These 6 too suppressed laugh.

Lecturer: No. Sit down and focus on lecture.

They all hi-fied and sat.

After 3hrs. In auditorium. All 1st year and 3rd year students gathered.

Principal: So my dear students as you all know we gathered here for Annual project. Which is important for 1st year and final year students. 2nd year students aren't part of this project. 1st let's make group then I will alot you topic and tell you about details. As usual I will be the one to make groups.

Students: Yes sir!

Principal started his work.

Ridham (wisper): Avi, me and you both have same luck. Neither you got chance to spend time with hazel guy nor me with anu.
Avi (noddedL: Hmm.....

Principal: Avneet, Reem, Ridham from 3rd year and Kyaaraa, Vanshika, Akshay from 1st year. You all will be in one group.
All six: Okay sir
Principal: Prisha, Rima, Ayman from 3rd year and Asavari, Mishti, Shikhar from 1st year will be in one group.
All: Okay Sir.

Principal continued his work...

1st year students came to 3rd years. They introduce each other and started discussing about projects and all.

After sometime At mansion.

2 ladies were sitting on sofa and discussing and little boy was playing. When 2 boys came

Boy1: Good evening mom, jaan.
Lady1 (little worried): Good evening. Beta Kiyu isn't back till now.
Boy2: Don't worry mom. She had Annual project so it takes time.
Lady2: Sid driver left. One of you have to go and pick her.
Sid: Okay bhabhi. I will.

Little boy came running

Boy: Me too chachu leggo. Mom my shoes?

Aadi with Sid went to pick kiyu....

To be continue....

All are temporary characters other than Introduction characters.

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