Chapter 5 (Summary)

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Avu, anu went in that torcher room.

The lights of room was dim. A huge ice cube was placed in mid of room. Men was lying on that ice cube without shirt only in lowers. His wrists and ankles were tied. His eyes were blindfolded. 3 cops stood near man. Room's temperature was around 15°.

Avu (stern voice): Mr we are giving you this final chance want to share truth or want to face physical torture?
Man (smirk): Let's see your torture
Anu (ordered): Beat him up


After 2hrs.

Avi (roared): Stop! He ain't gonna say like this.


Anu: Mam he is really trained hard to face such situations
Avu: Hmm...
Cop1: Mam what to do now?
Avu: You continue with this torture. Anushka ma'am and me are going to take investigation file.

Cops nodded. Anu, Avu left the room. Cops continue torturing him.

With Anuneet.

They took the file and went back checking it again and discussing

Anu: He is fully drug addicted
Avu: And about family. Loves his son and wife
Anu: Yep. Working as head of drug dealing under a don
Avi: We can- (avi saw Sid in police station near FIR registration. She was shocked. Avu tapped on her shoulder. Avi came back to sense and looked at anu and again she turned to look at Sid but now there was some other person)

Avi's pov: Avneet not again. Stop daydreaming. It's your work place and other than that now you know he is married. Stop it

Anu snapped fingers in her front.

Anu (concerned): U fine?
Avu (smiled): Absolutely. So yaa I was saying let's use his weak point that's drugs and family

They enter in torture room

Anu (stern voice): Officer I want xyz drug right now
Avu (adding): And now only go and kidnap his younger. He must be playing in Roswell garden
Man (shout): Don't you dare to touch my child. Don't drag my child in all this

2 cops came out with Avi

Cop1: Mam I will arrange drugs
Avi (nodded): Hmm

Cop left

Cop2: Mam give me details. I will take that child
Avi (shocked): Are you out of your mind? Why to make suffer an innocent? What's the fault of his little child?
Cop2 (hunging his head low): Sorry mam but you only said. So I asked details
Avi (business tone): I can leave the criminals but I can't make suffer an Innocent at any cost. Being the child of criminal isn't a crime. Now you don't come inside. I will tell that you went to take his child


Man starts loosing his control cause of smell of drug.

Avi (shout): Cop went to take your son. We will kill your son in front of you only now only
Man (as he starts loosing senses): I will tell everything but please don't do anything to my child

Anu nodded looking at Avi

Anu (shout): Say

Man (breathing fast): I am Marsh Ben. I deal in drugs. I am working since 6yrs in this
Avu (roared, she hit belt on his stomach): I don't your bio. I want details of your leader
Man (scream in pain): He is.......

To be continue...

1. Was that sid in real or avi was hallucinating?
2. Is that person from sid's father gang or someone else?

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