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After 8 months. Avu and Tessa are now 8 months pregnant. They share a cute sister bond. Whole family is excited for both the babies. Tessa is just like younger daughter of Nigam Family. Sidneet have pure bond of love. Neither sid feels awkward in front of Tessa nor she feels. They have excepted the truth and have a good bond of friendship.

Jaireem got a little boy which is now 3 months old.

After 8 months. In evening. Sidneet and Tessa to hospital for routine check up. The 3 were waiting outside for turn. Just when nurse came

Nurse: Avneet Nigam is your turn now

Sid nodded he helped avu to stand up. Then he bend to help tessa

Tessa: Sid you and Avu di go. I am here. I will come inside for my turn
Avu: Come tessa. Come with us bacha

Tessa nodded. Sid helped her and three went inside.

Dr (smiled): Hello Mrs. Nigam
Avu: Hi
Dr: Come lay down. Let's see your baby who is ready to come in your arms

Sidneet smiled looking at each other. Sid helped avu to lay on bed. Dr applied cold gel on avu's stomach. Cause of cold gel avu shivered a bit and tear leak from her eye. Sid held her hand tight

Sid (wiped her tear): Calm down bacha I am here

Avi nodded and smiled. Tessa stood at corner adoring them. Dr was using machine on Avi's baby bump. Sidneet, Tessa looked at screen. They three has happy tears in eyes.

After avu's check up. Dr asked Tessa to lay on bed. Avu knew how it feels when this procedure is going on. She stood beside tessa and held her hand.

Avi (kissed her forehead): I am here for you

Tessa nodded smiling. Dr applied gel on her baby bump. Tessa hissed avu squeeze her hand assuring her. Sidneet looked at screen but tessa was looking at smiling face of sidneet. Her heart flutters.

After check up

Sid: Everything is fine doctor?
Dr: Avneet and baby are perfectly fine but as tessa is taking pills of brain Tumor or her health is also not good cause of Teenage pregnancy baby is little weak. I will explain you everything. Babies will be in your arms in around 15days.

Dr explained them everything about tessa's health. Then they left for home.

As they reached home. They saw Sm was sitting with Aadi on sofa. Abhi and kiyu was fighting. Vaish was giggling looking abhi and kiyu.

Tessa went to Sm and hug her. She broke down. Sm got worried

Sm (trying to aparted the hug): What happened baby? Everything is fine nah? What Dr said?
Sid: Everything is fine mom. Just Dr said baby is little weak cause of medicine and Teenage pregnancy
Sm (caressing tessa's hair): We will take care of baby bacha. Why to cry? Don't you have trust on us?
Tessa (stammering): I trust you more than myself. You all are my family. You are first persons in whole world whom I trust. Without you all I don't know what I had done. I neither had shelter nor money not even anything to eat. I don't know how I could have managed my health and pregnancy. Never in dreams too I got this much love from parents. In childhood when I used to suffer from anything no one was there to care for me. If any servant or someone felt pity for me they used to give me medicine. My parents not even got to know about my health. If they would be here. They would have killed me long back. I am really happy my baby will get this family. When I got to that I am have Tumor in brain and I will die in sometime that was the most happiest moment of my life but today I feel more happy when you all are around You guys taught me no matter how wrecked life is but when your love one's are around it has to be perfect. Thank you to all for giving me all the love

She again hugged sm and cried for sometime. All had tears in eyes then spend the happy day.

After 2 and half yrs. Sidneet got babygirl and Sid and Tessa baby boy. Both born on same day. After around 2months of babies birth tessa died. Sim, Sam are apple of the family. Rest all the couples are married and having baby

After dinner. All sat in living area having chit chat. Sometime later Sim and Sam stood up and hug Sid and Abhi

Sim, Sam (in unison): Appy bith dad cha

Sid, Abhi was surprised.

Sid (pulling sim's cheeks): Thank you my princess
Sam (patting own cheeks indicating Sid to pull his cheeks as well): Dad me me me
Sid (pulling Sam's cheek): Thank you my prince
Abhi (kissed on forehead of both): Thank you babies
Aadi (grumpy face): Dadi my surprise
Vaish: It's okay baby. They are small nah. So they don't know still 20mins are there
Aadi (nodded): Okay! But don't do this again

Sim, Sam nodded looking at aadi's grumpy face without understanding anything. They all sat having chit chat. When needle of clock strike at 12. Whole family wished both brothers. Everyone came. Jaireem, harshnoor, ridnushka, fainat, ashdeep, Kyaroh (kyaaraa and rohit Nigam's lawyer) and their some more friends. Everyone's baby too came. The party started.

Aadi brought cake with kiyu. Sid and abhi cutted it. 1st both feed their mother then wifes then babies and all. After alot of enjoyment everyone went home back and slept.

Next morning. Sid woke up. He saw his 3 lifelines was sleeping peacefully. Sim was sleeping on sid's chest and Sam was sleeping on Avi's chest. Sid smiled and kiss them.

After some time. All woke up and got ready spending Family time with all.

Happy Ever After

The End

A special Thanks to ayesha1133 and ridham18khandar they both motivated me to come with this story

Thanks for my support and love for my work. This story was mostly based on real stories. Hope I explained properly

Signing off ✍

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