Chapter 23

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Sid (shout): Priya it's a conference meeting and it's important
Priya (shout back): Yaa more than Aadvik's life? Sir in Aadvik's school a bomb blasted

Abhi just freakout on that moment

Sid (shocked): My baby?
Priya: I don't know
Sid (still shocked: Bhai she must be kidding. Contact in aadi's school?

Abhi controlled himself and took his phone from pocket. He saw 20 calls from aadi's teacher. Without thinking for a second he call back. She received quickly

Abhi: I am Abhishek Nigam. Father of Aadvik Nigam.
Teacher: Yes sir. On only someone came and took him. We were trying to call you since long
Abhi: Who took him?
T: I don't know.
Abhi: But-
T (cuts him): Sir principal mam is calling

She hangs up the call.

Sid (worried: He is safe nah?
Abhi (trying to be strong): Someone came and took him
Sid (sighed): Must be bhabhi. Call her now

Abhi took deep breath and call vaish. She didn't answered. Abhi again tried but no response

Abhi (worried): No response
Sid (thinking): Bhai try mom

Abhi quickly call Sm. She received it after few rings

Abhi (worried): Mom where is vaishu? Why isn't answering my call?
Sm (shocked): She forgot her phone at home. We are at Pooja
Abhi (broke down): Mom bomb blasts at aadi's school and Someone took him from school
Sm (panicked): Abhi stop your pranks. It's not a joke

Vaish who was beside Sm. She took phone from Sm

Vaish (panicked): What happened abhi?

Abhi narrates her. She sturd. Surface under her slipped. Abhi broke down. Life of parents is missing. Maybe suffered from bomb blast. How can parents live without his child? Vaish wasn't able to move or think. Her mind was stucked on her little life. It is said that father is a strong person of family and father don't love son as much as he loves his daughter. Is it true? No. Abhi lost his conciousness. He felt on floor hitting table. Just loosing his son kill him from inside. His head hit on table and head starts bleeding.

Sid (panicked, sat on floor): Bhai, bhai open your eyes. Priya bring first aid and call doctor now
Priya (shaking abhi): Sid sir you go and see Aadvik. We will sir abhi sir
Sid (depressed): But-
Priya: Sir trust me. You go and see

Sid took his keys and ran out. He sat in car and starts driving. He don't even know the speed of car nor he is realizing the root is correct or not. Tears were rolling on his cheeks. His phone rang. Sid without looking received it.

Voice: Sid
Sid (worried): I will call you later
Voice: Sid aadi is with me. Listen to me

As soon as he heard this. He stopped the car.

Sid (he notice the caller I'd): Avu
Avu: Sid are you Okay?
Sid: Aadi is with you?
Avi (worried): Yes sid but he is crying alot
Sid (took deep breath): Where are you? I am coming right now
Avi: I am near college. Meet at college parking?
Sid: Okay.

Avi hangs up the call. Sid quickly call sm.

Sid (sighed): Mom aadi is safe and he is with my friend. I am going to pick him
Sm (smiled little): Okay! Vaishu aadi is safe. Sid will bring him come. Let's go home
Vaish (quickly stood up): Okay. Sid come fast
Sid: Mom please once go to office. Bhai faints
Sm: Okay beta.

Sid hangs up the call. Meanwhile with avi

Aadi was crying badly. Not even calming a bit. Reemneet trying hard to calm him but all vains. They reached at parking and waited for Sid to come. Soon sid came. As he came out of car. Aadi jump on him and hug him so tight hiding his face in sid's shoulder. And started crying even more

Sid (worried, rocking him back and forth): Baby chachu is here! Everything is fine. Come down champ.

After few minutes. Aadi calmed down a bit. Sid aparted the hug.

Sid (kissed aadi's forehead, wipe his tears): Baby everything is fine nah. No cry now
Aadi (muffling and sobbing): You all bad mom, dad, you, dadi, teacher. No one love me. You all bad
Sid (chuckled): Sorry baby. No cry now
Aadi (sobbing and pull his shirt up): Teacher beat me chachu.

Sidneet, reem saw the scars and cuts on his stomach. Aadi was still crying.

To be continue....

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