Chapter 18

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Kiyu: I was at friend's birthday party
Vaish (nodding): Sid?
Sid: I went with my friends
Abhi: Hmm.... Princess your friend is girl or boy?
Kiyu: Girl. Why?
Abhi (rolling her eyes): Nothing just maintain distance from boys

Kiyu nodded

Vaish: You mean to say she isn't allowed to have boyfriend?
Sid: Definitely no
Abhi: If she have toh boy have to give an interview to us
Vaish (suspicious look): What kind of interview?
Sid: Nothing big bhabhs we are just gonna beat that boy
Kiyu (glaring): May be boy will die or what if his bones broke?
Abhi: It's clear that he isn't good for kiyu
Sm (glaring sid, abhi): How he isn't good?
Abhi: He can't even protect himself then how we will protect kiyu?
Vaish (shook her head in disbelief): You want a life partner for your sister or bodyguard?
Kiyu: Nothing can to them

Just then Reyansh came. All sat silently having dinner then went in rooms and slept

Next morning.

At Singhania mansion. They were having breakfast

Jai: Girls tonight I have to go to Bangalore for Wednesday I will be back
Reem: Tonight when? Aren't you sharing too early?
Jai: Chill wifey. My flight is at 11 at night.
Avi: Oh! Bhai on Sunday means tomorrow we too will go out of station for college project
Reem: By Tuesday morning we will be back
Jai: Oh okay!
Avi: Now let's leave for college?
Jai: I am home today

They both bid bye and left for college

Abhi left for office. Sid too left to drop kiyu, aadi

They all reached college. At parking

Rima: Avi if you want to bunk and go for date with Jijju. We won't mind.
Kiyu: Yeah. Cause tomorrow we will go for 2days
Sid: Where?
Vanishka: Desperate Jijju we have to go for project trip. By Tuesday we will be back
Sid: Huh!! Will you stop calling me Jijju?
Reem (smirk): Let's do one thing. We will call you bhai, is it okay?
Kiyu (smirk): Yeah! I will call avi di. Anyways yesterday she was shouting on me when I call her bhabhi
Asavari: But then you both will be bro-sis?
Kiyu: Bhai you-
Sid (sternly, cuts her): You are getting late for lecture. Go and focus on study rather than focusing on other things

All giggle. Sidneet bid bye then parted theirs ways

Avi with all went to attend lectures. Sid went to drop aadi then he left for office

At Nigam mansion.

Sm: Vaishu I am going to Mrs. Sharma's house for Pooja. Are you coming?
Vaish: Yes mom. Or else I will be bored at home

They both got ready and went for pooja

After 2hrs. A peon came in Avi's class

Peon: Ma'am Reem Singhania and Avneet Singhania's family member is here to pick them for some important work. So principal asked to leave both of them. Person is waiting in parking
Lecturer: Okay!!
Peon left. Reemneet looked at each other in confusion.

Prish: Avi, reem everything is fine?
Reem: Don't know. We will tell you
Ayman: If you guys want any kind of help let us know
Avi: Yeah sure. Thanks guys
Lecturer: Avneet Singhania, Reem Singhania you both can take leave for rest of the day

Both collected their stuff and went in parking. Their they saw harshnoor standing near his car

Avi: Hey! What happened? Is any problem?
Harsh: Get in I will tell you

They all set in car. Harsh starts driving.

Ash: Avu, reem we found about that mafia Lisa
Reem: Oh!! That's great
Harsh: But the she Le Ema
Avi: You mean Mexican?
Ash: Yeps avi
Avi: You both have her whole information?
Harsh: Yes. Anu ordered constables to arrest her ad we found her location
Ash: Even Anu ordered them to take her in Oubliette
Harsh: But avu we found chips with her
Ash: Yeah!! Not one or two but around 50-60
Reem: Is she a mafia only?
Harsh: I don't think so. Let's reach there then we will see to it

Then ride was silent. Soon they reached Oubliette

They all went inside. Anu was already there.

Reem: She is a girl nah. I want no Male to enter inside the Chamber
Constable: Mam she is a criminal so what's the issue than?
Anu (roared): She is a female 1st. I want 3 female constables with me, Avneet Ma'am, Reem Ma'am and Ashnoor Ma'am. No man I want inside the Chamber, am I clear?
Constable (flinching): Sure Ma'am
Avu: Harsh Sir you call the hackers and try to decode the chips

Harsh nodded. Girls went in

To be continue....

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