Chapter 36

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Note: I hope by now you guys understood why this ff has name Love Perfect Life Wrecked. Till now I am explaining to Life Wrecked. Wait for Love Perfect.

Really big thanks to all for supporting me and your appreciation for my work. Sorry to hurting you guys so badly but like other ffs there are some points which I want to explain. I really want you guys to have a look how our society is facing issues. I can understand some of you are badly hurt. I won't mind if you guys stop reading this ff. I know few points are hurting you badly. Trust me these points are hurting me too. I have completed this ff. Only 5-6 more chapters are there. It took me 3hrs to complete whole ff. But after completing ff. I literally cried for 2hrs. Anyways. Don't pressurize yourself for reading it and hurting yourself. Just drop in comments if you aren't reading. I know you all love my work alot. So I won't mind. Thank you and Sorry 🥺

Back to story.....

Jai reached his house with kiyu and avu. They three went inside. Reem saw them. She saw the condition also. She ran to them

Reem (worried): What happened? Kiyu, Avu what happened? You both are so messed? Everything is fine, right?
Jai: Princess take kiyu in your room with you.

Avi didn't said anything. Kiyu, Avu went in Avi's room. Jai narrates everything to reem

Reem (shocked): Jai you must be kidding, correct? Sid loves avu more than he love himself. He can't do anything like this. He won't spoil her life.
Jai (held reem through shoulder): Reemi it's true. He did. He himself confessed and DNA test was also same
Reem (eyes were filled with tears): Avu?
Jai: She don't wanted to stay there neither kyaaraa. So I took both of them here. Whole family is badly broken.
Reem (hug jai): We have to take care of Avu

Jai nodded.

Jai (aparted the hug): You had something?

Reem (nodded): I am going to see avu
Jai: Okay. But please you don't take stress. It's not good for you or for our baby

Reem nodded and went in Avi's room. Jai sat on sofa. He buried his face in his palms

In avu's room. Reem reached and saw Avi was sitting there emotionless. Kiyu was in washroom. She went and sat in front of avu

Avi (closed her eyes): Reem how he can do this? You know reem 2days before marriage he went to rape a girl. His dad is a mafia. He is rapist and now I am wife of wife of rapist (tears leaked from her eyes)

Reem pulled her in hug and was rubbing her back

Reem (whispering in her ears): Calm down babe. Everything will be fine. You know nah everything happens for a reason. Calm down
Avu (aparted the hug): How everything will be fine? Nothing can be fine

Just then kiyu came. She sat beside Avi

Kiyu (holding her ears): I am sorry bhabhi on behalf of my brother. Everything was his fault. Sorry (she broke down)

They three hug each other. Reem was trying to calm them down. Whole day the spend like this with tears. No one had anything. Jai forcefully feed reem but kiyu and avu was just in room. Didn't had anything

With Sid. Officers took him in jail. Whole day he didn't talk with anyone, neither he ate anything nor drank water. He just sat on a place buring his in his knees.

At Nigam mansion.

After Jaineet and kiyu left. Sm went in room and locked herself. Abhi was in living room. His mind was stucked with sid's thoughts only. After sometime Aadi woke up. He was having fever. He was scared too. Whole day he was crying. Abhinavi was trying to calm him but he fear wasn't letting him to be calm.

Next morning. Anu, Harshnoor came at avu's home. They called Nigams also there.

All were in living room

Harsh: Reyansh want to fight for his case. We have to hire a lawyer to fight against him

Abhi nodded

Sm (tears brimming in her eyes): Sid?
Harsh: After a week he will hang to death. He confessed by himself and proofs are also against him. We can't do anything.

Sm covered her mouth with her hands to control her cries. No one have any words to say anything. After sometime

Abhinavi went to search for lawyer but no lawyer was ready to have fight against Reyansh. After understanding the case all the lawyers were saying no.

Abhinavi was trying hard to have a lawyer. Abhi really want to punish Reyansh.

After 3 more days. Finally a lawyer agreed to fight against Reyansh but Reyansh's secretary charged some illegal work on lawyer. Alas, lawyer too can't fight this case. Abhi was frustrated.

At Avi's home. All were there even lawyer too

Lawyer: Sorry sir now I can't fight this case
Avi (trying to distract herself): Can you guide me rohit? I will fight against Reyansh
Rohit / lawyer: But ma'am that can be risky
Avi: I don't care about risk. I really want to punish him. He is one who helped terrorist in bomb blast
Abhi (shocked): Wait a minute! He is the one who is behind the bomb blast in aadi school?
Anu: Yes. In school, park and he also helped terrorist to spread drugs in colleges
Avi: Anu being police is handling this case. I will handle as lawyer. I really want to punish him

Jai (kept his hand on Avi's head): I am proud of my princess

His eyes was filled with tears.

Hearts of all are still filled with pain, hurt which was caused by Sid. But no one in the family wanted to leave Reyansh at any cost or may be whole family is trying to distract mind from Sid.

Rohit: Okay ma'am. There is almost 12days in hearing. I will guide you.

Avi nodded. Avi started working on case.

With Sid. It's been 3days he didn't talk a single word with anyone. His mind is always busy with the thoughts may be one or the other. The pain he have inside isn't understandable by anyone. He isn't having proper meal. He knows in next 4days he will be hang on death. He is impatiently waiting for that day. He want to die. May be his death is solution of his family's peace and his punishment for doing such thing......

To be continue.......

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