Chapter 21

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Everyone obeyed reems order.

Anushka went to arrange buses.

Harsh with constable for bomb defuse and rescue team

Ashnoor started working for 3rd chip

Reemneet went to school with female constable (who's child was also in that school) they sat in police jeep with one male constable who was driving

Avi (worried): Officer take the jeep at high speed. Anyhow we have to reach there in 10mins
Constable: Yes Ma'am

Constable started driving car with full speed.

Avi's pov: Why that little munchkins have to suffer for the fault of an unknown devil. Their mothers must be planning or preparing something for their kids. So that when they will come back home. She can feed their lifeline with her own hands. Kids dads must be at office now. Working for the betterment of kids future. What if their lifelines stop breathing? What will the mother do? Will she ever able to smile and wait for little baby to come home back? What about the father? Main thing what is the fault of that little one, Who don't even knew what is bomb? What is meant by terrorist? That little munchies are studying, giggling, laughing, chatting with friends. What if suddenly bomb blasts? How parents can trust on school? Heartbeat of whole family are kids. These fights of 2 countries leads suffering of innocent souls. Can't the two countries live peacefully without emity and wars like two states can live? Soliders are sacrificing their lifes on boards, why? Just because some people will come and attack on our own country. Can't these cheap thinking people understand. For a solider his old age parents are waiting at home. His wife always keeps fast for his long life. Sisters on rakshabandhan waits for brother. Kids wait for dad to come home and bring love rather than chocolates and icecreams like a normal father do.

Why the hell we need police, secret agents, soliders have to be trained and be a heartless person.

Suppose each and every person understood like two states can live peacefully, two countries also can live with same peace then there is no need of solider on board. Soliders can also have happy and peaceful life. No terrorist and mafias in the world. We cheka's too can have a enthusiastic life.

Everyone thinks being cheka means life is full of adventures and fun but no one understands how we feel in this situations. No one can imagine how heartless we have to be when it comes to torture the criminals. We never like to harm anyone but we have to. Hope so we can save kids.

She looked at female constable who was sitting silently, joining hands and closing eyes, praying for her kid's life.

Within few minutes. They reached at school. Reemneet ran inside but guards stop them

Guards: You are not allowed to go like this

Just then constables came and stood beside Reemneet

Guard (Bowing his head): Sorry ma'am. You can go.

All quickly ran inside principal's cabin.

Principal (shocked): Anything serious officers?
Reem: Ask the teachers to take-
Principal (glaring): You girls (pointing at Reemneet) go out of my cabin now

Avi took her I'd card and showed it to principal

Principal (shocked): Sorry ma'am
Reem: A terrorist placed bomb in school. Right now order teachers to take kids out of school. Bus will be here any moment. We have only 10mins
Avu: Ask teachers also to take the contact book. So that they can contact with parents and don't share about bomb kids are too small

Principal announced.

Reem (shout): Constables go and help teachers to manage the students. Anushka ma'am will be here any moment
Avu: Ask the bus driver of bus to drive the bus to be at least 15km away from here.
Reem: Nana nani park. Ask them to wait there. And teachers should inform parents to come nana nani park. Don't let the student go with person whom student don't know
Avi (shout): Officers move fast.

Just then anu came in cabin. Officers left

Anu (huffing): Buses are here. 13 buses I arranged

Reem call in police station.

Reem: Officer come at crime branch and share with media about bomb and all. So that parents can come quickly. We won't be able to come in front of media. We aren't allowed to reveal our face and truth

Everyone followed orders but only 8mins they have. Students are rushing and running in school corridors but definitely too scared cause of all this.

To be continue....

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