Chapter 19 (Summary)

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Oubliette: A secret dungeon with access only through a trapdoor in its ceiling

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Oubliette: A secret dungeon with access only through a trapdoor in its ceiling. This room is used to torture the criminals who are really dangerously for country.  Cheka's handle such criminals here. This place has scary as well as sound proofs Chambers (rooms).



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CHIP: Its a computer chip. Which Harshnoor found with that girl. This chips have hidden information. By connecting in P.c or laptop. These chips can be used. But these chips contain passwords too. So easily no one can hack these chips


Le Ema: They are Mexican Mafias. They Worstest Mafias can also be called them. So ruthless and heartless they are. That girls is also one of the Le Ema for whom Harshnoor investigates.

(Author: If you guys remember Chapter 6. A man named Marsh Ben said to cheka's that he is working under a lady named Lisa. For her only Harshnoor investigated. She is Le Ema)


Ashnoor, Anushka, Reem, Avneet with 3 constable went inside the Chamber. They saw a lady of mid of 30's was sitting in the center on a chair tied ropes on her wrist, ankles, stomach. Her eyes were blindfolded

Girls wore gloves and safety measures before starting interrogation from Lisa. Avi, reem, anu stood in front of her. Ash took a pen and notepad. She was ready to note each and everything said by Lisa. Which is gonna be useful for further work

Anu (Roaring): Miss Lisa. The Le Ema. Why you are in India?
Lisa (spatting): Who the hell you are? I ain't gonna share a bit. Come on let's try
Reem (Smirk): Yeah. Let's try


Lisa (laughing): Do you think I will be scared? Damn NO girls
Avu: We will see to it criminal
Anu (shouting while physically torturing): Why the fuck you are in India? I surely know you aren't scared of your death but your gang member is in our hands. Dude he is counting his last breaths.
Avi (kicked Lisa's stomach): We got know to he has biggest hands in your business of drugs.
Reem (physical torture): Even we got to know about your business in Mexico
Lisa (wincing in pain): You bitch. I will not share a single thing. Come on do whatever you want to. Kill me. I fucking don't care about my life. As far as life of Indian citizens is in danger.


Lisa (roaring in pain): Bitches stop doing this. You ain't gonna get anything. Go and try to save your country's people

Ash was notting each and every word. Whereas Anu, Avi, Reem was torturing Lisa

Reem (smirk): Anushka Ma'am, Avneet Ma'am there is something in her wrist
Ashnoor (surprised): Her wrist shouldn't be red like now they are
Anu (Roar): Lisa are you spitting the truth or want us to cut your wrist?
Lisa (smirk): Do whatever you want

As the found chip in her wrist. They badly tortured her. Lisa wasn't scared at all but it's like her secrets are here in this chips.

To be continue......

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