Chapter 26

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Next morning. Reem was waiting at dinning for avi and talking with Jai on call. Avi came and saw reem

Avi (smirk): My god! How they are gonna stay without each till bhai come back?
Reem (roll her eyes): Shut up

She hangs up the call

Reem: Jai reached Bangalore safely and he asked you to go and give file to his client without fail. He texted address at night only
Avi: Yeah. I got the address and after breakfast I will leave
Reem: Alright. I will go to shop few things for trip

Both had breakfast then went to their respective work.

Few minutes later Avu reached at the place. She knocked the door.

Meanwhile with Nigams. Sid and abhi were having coffee with sm and vaish and was sitting in living area having chit chat. Kiyu was packing her bag in room. Aadu was sleeping

They heard a knock on door. Vaish went to open door as she saw girl 2,3yrs younger than her

Vaish: Yes?
Girl: ASK association's home?
Vaish: Yes dear
Girl: I am Avneet Singhania

As soon as Sid heard her name. He starts coughing.

Abhi (rubbing his back): Are you Okay?
Sid: Umm..... Yeah

At door.

Vaish: Dear wait a minute. I will call my husband

Avi nodded.

Vaish (turning a bit): Abhi someone is from office
Abhi: Coming. (To sid): Today from office
Sm: Go and check

Abhi, sid, sm too went near door. Avi was Sid she was shocked. Sid gesture her and she composed herself

Abhi: Yes Ms?

Just then they heard a voice and looked in direction and saw kiyu

Kiyu (running down from stairs): Bhabhi.

She came to Avi and hug her. Abhinavi, Sm shocked

Abhi (shocked): Bhabhi?

Kiyu looked at Sid. Sid glare her. Kiyu understood

Kiyu (smiling like idiot): Yaa. She is my best friend's girlfriend. So to tease her you know

Avu was getting nervous.

Vaish (sighed): Oh!! I thought about Sid
Sid (ignoring his family): Avneet Yes?
Abhi (shocked): How do you know her name?
Sid (stuttering): Abababab?
Abhi (confused): Baba? Are you a baba?
Sid: Huh! She introduced to bhabhi nah
Abhi: She did vaishu?

Vaish nodded.

Sid's pov: Hash!! Bach-

And here again they heard voice from stairs. Sid smack his forehead

Aadi (running to avi): Chachi

He came and hug her through legs

Abhinavi, sm (shocked): Chachi?
Aadi (excited): Yes my chachi. Chachi where is my sister?

Avi's eyes were wide open. Sid didn't dare to look at her

Kiyu (covering up): Must be his best friend's chachu's girlfriend she is , correct aadi?
Aadi (confused): Mom RIA has chachu?
Vaish: No baby. But why you are calling her chachi
Aadi (excited): Chachu said she is my chachi and she will bring my sister, hain nah chachu?
Abhi (smirk): Sid
Sid (ignoring abhi): Avneet you here, anything important?

Avi (nodded nervously): Yaa I came here for  Umm..... for umm.... (she forgot)

Kiyu (giggling): Bhai nice effect on bhabhi Haan. She looked at you and forgot

Avi hit kiyu on arm

Avi (as she remember): Yaa I came here for file-
Abhi (shocked): File? Means marriage certificate? Are you pregnant? That's why aadi is saying chachi will bring sister?

Sidneet eyes were wide open.

Sid (nervous): Bhai stop blabbering okay? We haven't even in kissed. Let her speak (in flow)

Abhinavi, kiyu smirked. Avi was hell nervous by now. Sid smack his head realizing his words

Aadi (shout): Where is my sister?
Sid (nervous): Avneet file?
Avi: Oh yaa! I am here to give this file to ASK association's owner. My brother went out of station and he said this file is important. Cause of curfew he couldn't make it possible to give you yesterday

Sid took the file

Abhi (peeping in file): Your brother?
Avi (nervous): Jaijeet Singhania
Sid (shocked): Owner of AS Ltd?

Avi nodded.

Avi (nervous): I should leave now. Bye

She was about to go

Vaish (glaring sid): Sid 1st time your girlfriend is here and you are letting her go home
Sid (confused): What I am suppose to do?
Vaish (hit sid): Like abhi like you. Avneet I am suggesting you. You have enough time. Think properly for Sid
Abhi (joining vaish, smirk at sid): Yaa or you will regret
Vaish (rolling her eyes): Like I am doing now
Abhi (shocked): Wait what?

All chuckled. Abhi frowned. Aadi stood glaring everyone.

To be continue......

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