Chapter 8

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After sometime at mall. It was almost evening.

Anuneet were shopping when someone tap on Anu's shoulder. Anuneet turned and saw Harshnoor

Harsh: You both here? Everything is done?
Anu: Yes jijju
Ash: Let's join us now. Together we will go for movie
Avi: No it's your and harsh's date
Harsh (cute her): We both spent enough time with each other and now you both are joining us

Anuneet nodded. They went towards PVR.

Harsh: You girls stay here. I am going to buy tickets.
Ash: Alright

Harsh went. At ticket counter. Harsh stood in queue. Jai came. Jai saw harsh

Jai: Hey!
Harsh (saw him): Hi!
Jai: You too here for date?
Harsh: Yeah. Even avu, anu are also here for girls day out
Jai: Oh! So let's see the movie together?
Harsh: Cause of these 2 only. I am free from shopping now
Jai: I am still stucked but let's drag anu, avi we will be free

Both chuckled and bought tickets. They went to meet girls. Jai call reem there to meet all

Reem: We all are here
Ash (chuckled): Yep and we are going to movie together only
Reem (dramatic): Hash! Finally I will be free now. This Jai is seriously irritating me in shopping
Jai: I am irritating you?
Ash: Yeps. So harsh did
Harsh, Jai in unison: If impossible to understand a girl

Everyone chuckled. They all went inside and movie starts

Meanwhile in Nigam mansion.

Everyone was sitting in living area loving, teasing, fighting, irritating, laughing, enjoying family time. Reyansh wasn't there

Someone knocked the door

Abhi went to open the door and saw 2 girls and 2 boys

Girls, boys: Heyaaa bhai
Abhi: Hi guys. Come inside.

All came in. Sid saw them and smile. He went and hug everyone.

Sm: You all here?
Girl: Yeah aunty since long we didn't met. So today we thought to meet together and it was sudden so we couldn't inform Sid.

Sid: It's okay. Guys let's go in my room
Vaish: Hey all
All: Hi bhabhi. Hey kiyu
Kiyu: Hii
Vaish: You guys go. I will bring snacks
Sid: Thanks bhabhs

They all went in sid's room. Abhi, kiyu, aadi, sm sat there only. That 2 girls and 2 boys are non other than fainat and ashdeep. Sid's friends. All were in college with Sid. They knew sid loves Avneet

Randeep: Sid after college you got busy in business and family
Faisu: Yeah. We can't even spend the time like before
Ash: For Sid family comes before anyone
Sid: Guys you came here for complains or spending time with me?
Jan: Leave all this. Tell me did you got chance to meet or talk your angel (smirk)
Sid (sadly): She is married
Ashi, jan (in unison): You mean to say your angel is married?
Sid: Hmm....
Faisu (shocked): How you got to know?
Sid: She is kiyu's Annual project partner. So yesterday I went to pick kiyu from college. There kiyu introduce us and I got to know her name is Avneet and she is married
Ashi: Oh means Avneet and she is married

Just then kiyu enter in room and heard. Ashi's words

Kiyu (shout and shocked): Avneet is married?
Ashi, jan (sadly): Hmm... Sid's first love is married
Kiyu (more shocked): Bhai loved her
Jan: Hmm
Kiyu (confused): But when she got married?

All were turned to look at her in shock

Sid (sarcastic): She didn't invited me. So I don't know
Kiyu (glaring): Bhai I am serious.
Sid (irritated): So?
Kiyu (ignoring him): Leave. Ashi di, Jannu di you guys say when she got married
Ashi (confused): We don't know
Jan (confused): You only told this to Sid
Kiyu (shocked): What? Me? When? Why?
Sid (looking down): When I was checking her out
Kiyu (smack her forehead): And I thought you are checking Reem
Sid (confused): Who is reem?
Kiyu: One who was standing beside Avneet
Sid (confused): Anyone was there? I don't remember
Ashdeep, Fainat (smirk): Cause you were busy in staring your angel
Kiyu (laughing): Bhai is in love
Sid (glared): Stop laughing and now you have to help me
Kiyu: Okay then tomorrow you have to drop me college
Sid: Alright
Ashdeep, fainat: We will also come

All smirk. Sid blush

To be continue......

Ashdeep, fainat are temporary characters like others.....

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