Chapter 35

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Before officers go to Sid and arrest him. Jai came to Sid and held his throat with full grip. Sid was trying to catch his breath. Harshnoor, Anu ran to Jai

Avi sat on floor near sofa. She hid herself from all. She want to run to room and cry as much as her heart wants but does she have right to call this her house? She sat hugging her knees and buried her face. Trying to control on sobs.

Harsh (trying to free Sid): Leave him Jai. Leave him
Jai (pushed harsh, anger was clear in voice): I Will kill him. He ain't gonna get easy death from me. The way he spoiled my Avi's life. I will not spare him. I don't care if I will be in criminals list then
Ash (trying to free Sid): Jai leave him. Jai take care of Avi. She needs you more. Police will handle, not other Anu will handle his case. You can trust Anu.

Jai left him. Sid felt on floor half concious. Sm, Abhinavi wanted to ran to him to hug but they stopped.

Jai (trying to sound strong): when he did last rape?
Anu (cracky voice): 3days ago.

All looked at anu with shock. Avu didn't dared to look up. Anu's words precked her heart. Kiyu ran to her. Sm fell on her knees.

Abhi (joining his hands): Take him away from here. I beg you to take him.

Officers arrest him and left. After a single everyone have sympathy for girl, for victim. No one knows how the family of boy face such situations! A mother blames herself for lifetime that she didn't taught right path to his son. A brother always feel scared to be blamed any such things. A sister will she able to trust anyone for her security? Her own brother can do this with the someone. Can't anyone do such things with her? Is she secure? To boys. Raping someone can be fun, entertaining for few hours but that few hours will be that hours in which you will loose respect in front of your family, you will loose yourself respect when you will face your family

Jai went to avi. He pulled avi in hug

Avu (crying badly): Bhai please take me out of all this. Please bhai or kill me bhai. Please
Jai (apart the hug): Let's go home

He make her stand

Jai (Final tone): I am taking her with me

Vaish came to avi

Vaish (hug her): You are my little sister. I will always be with you. I am here for you.

Avi nodded.

Abhi: Vaishu please check on kiyu. I don't have to face her. Vaish nodded and left

Harsh: We are also leaving. I will update about further

Abhi nodded. Harshnoor, Anu left. Abhi came to avi

Abhi (joining his hands): I am sorry. I never knew anything about it. I know about Reyansh being mafia but I never knew about Sid. I am always there for you. I couldn't completed my responsibility to teach him right but for sure I will be with you. I am sorry

Vaishu (shout from room): Abhi, Mom

All ran towards room and saw kiyu was trying to drink poison

Abhi went to snatch it from her

Kiyu (shout): Don't come near me. I don't want to live. You all just go from here
Sm (badly controlling her tears): Bacha calmed. Don't do such things. Please beta. For me leave this. I won't be able to live. Leave this bacha
Kiyu (felt on her knees): I too can't live. This house is killing. Once it was heaven for me. Now prison or hell is better than this house

Avu's eyes was stucked on swing on balcony. 1st time when he kiss her on that swing.

Jai asked vaish to be with avu. He went to kiyu and sat on knees in front of her

Jai (calmly, he knows the way avu need someone. Whole everyone need one, they are not in sense to think properly): Come with us. Your friend Avu needs you. For the fault of one don't do this. Others won't be happy. You can stay with us as much as you want.

Kiyu thought for some seconds and nodded. Jai left with avu and kiyu.

To be continue....

I am sorry if such things are hurting you but I know you all trust me. Thanks for support and love.

I hope I was able to explain the condition of boy's family. How a family of rapist face the issues?

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