Chapter 40

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Avi (nervous): Mom Tessa is pregnant

All were shocked except Sidneet and Tessa. Sid was looking down

Jai (gathered the courage): Sid?

Avi nodded. She held sid's hand and squeezed it. Assuring him. Sid looked at avi and smiled weakly

Sm (cups tessa's face): Bacha you are too young for pregnancy and all. Did you took any decision?

Tessa broke down. Sm hug her.

Sm (rubbing her back): Shh!! Calm down baby. It wasn't your fault. Calm down
Avi (caressing tessa's hair): Tessa don't worry. I am with you. Calm down
Sid (took deep breath): Mom, Avu she is patient of Brain Tumor

All was stunned by his words

Tessa (stuttering): Neither I can go for abortion cause of Tumor nor I can go for Tumor Surgery cause of pregnant
Sm (aparted the hug, caressing tessa's cheek): We will see to it. Let's go home

Tessa nodded. Sm wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. Tessa smiled weakly then all went to cars.

Sidneet went in one car. Remaining went in other cars

With Sidneet. Sid was on driving seat. Avi was beside him. She held his arm. Rest her head on his arm

Avi: Stop worrying. We will do something
Sid (sadly): Avu cause of me your, tessa and baby's life is spoiled.
Avi (kiss his cheek): It wasn't your fault Sid. I am always with you. We will figure out something for Tessa

Then the whole ride was silent. All reached at Jaireem's home. Vaishreem was in kitchen. Aadi was playing with puppy in living area. As they entered aadi saw them

Aadi (happily shout): Chachu

He ran to Sid. Vaishreem heard aadi's voice and got shocked. Both rushed out of kitchen and saw Sid. Sid took aadi in arms

Aadi (pout): Where you went? I missed you
Vaish (shocked): Sid?

Abhijeet rushed to Vaishreem and make then sit on sofa. Everyone settled down on sofa.

Jai: Aadi go and play with puppy in room

Aadi nodded and ran to room with puppy. Abhi and kiyu explained everything

Reem (fuming in anger): Avu let's go and call anu as well. We will beat that Reyansh and I am gonna take each bone out of his body and break his bones as well
Jai (held reem's hand): Calm down reemi. Anger isn't good for our baby. Calm down and he got his punishment
Reem (angry): Whatever but you know it's our fault as well. As we heard rape we start feeling sympathetic to girl without even knowing the truth. Sometimes we don't even know who girl is that but we have full sympathy for that girl. Like all boys are not criminals same with girls. All girls aren't Innocent
Vaish (confused): From where girl came in this topic it's all dad... I mean Mr Nigam's fault nah
Reem (to tessa): Was that girls addict to drugs?
Tessa: No
Avu (understanding): That 4 girls was concious
Reem (angry): See see it was that girls fault as well. Such cheapos
Sm: Calm down Reem. Hypertension isn't good beta

Tessa was nervous.

Sm (held her hands): Say bacha want to say anything. Have you thought?
Tessa (nodded): I can live for around 11months. So after baby's birth. I will drop baby at orphanage
Avi (shout): No! No orphanage.
Abhi: Avu?
Avu: I mean me and Sid will take care of baby rather than sending in orphanage
Sid (cups Avi's face): Avu think practically
Avu: Okay! Answer me few questions. Will she able to die peacefully facing such a terrible life then leaving baby in orphanage? Was it her or baby's or yours fault? Will you be able to live peacefully leaving your child at orphanage when you have good wealth, settled life, supportive family. You just need to give parental love to baby. Do you think I won't be able to give mother love and affection? Sid I know one thing how a child lives in orphanage. I don't want baby to suffer that life
Jai (worried): Are you sure princess?
Avi (smiled): Cent percent. Just you guys have to help us.

Sid pulled avi in tight hug. Avi hug him back. He whisper Thank you kissing her forehead

Tessa (teary eyes): Thank you so much Avneet
Reem: Okay leave these sad moments. Avu you told jiju?

Avi shook her head blushing

Abhi: Great!! I will tell him
Kiyu (shout): No me
Abhi (dramatically joining his hands): Okay meri maa. Stop shouting or I will be deaf
Kiyu (holding her ears): I am sorry bhai for slapping you.
Sid (smirk, pulling her hairs): See revenge done
Kiyu (shout): Huh!! So mean (calm voice): Whatever. So yeah bhai. Avni bhabhi is pregnant. So you will be now dad of 2 baby's

Aadi heard this and came running

Aadi (shout): Now I will be bhai of 2 babies?
Abhi: Yes

He starts jumping.

Sm (hug tessa): Till the time you are with us. You will be my daughter
Abhi: So my sister
Kiyu (excited): Tessa I am your Di. (Shout) Wow!!! Now someone will me di. Yyyaaayyy
Abhi (shook head in disbelief): Now I got to know why aadi behaves like psycho. He has qualities like you
Kiyu (shocked): Wait what?
Abhi: Arey! Few days back I read about a psycho ran from asylum. I should call and inform them here is psycho. Come and take them
Sm (firmly): Abhi stop irritating her

Kiyu pokes her tongue at him

Sm: Kiyu
Kiyu: Huh! Sorry

Sid went to Tessa.

Sid (nervous): Tessa as per our past we can't have relation of brother-sister and as per our real relation we are step brother-sister. So I don't know exact what relation we have but can we be friends? (He asked Forwarding his hand)

Tessa smiled nervously and except his hand looking at Avu. Avu blinked her eyes and smiled.

At last Sid hug avu

Sid (kissing her hairs): Thanks for being my life. Supporting me in difficult situations.
Avu (sniffing in his chest): I love you
Sid: I love you too

Sm (ordering): So from now everyone has to take care of both. Avi and tessa
Aadi (shout): I will do dadi

Abhi roles his eyes

Sm: Abhi my grandson has more brain than you
Vaish (patting her own back): Exactly cause he is my son

All chuckled. After some chit chat Nigams went home back

At Nigam mansion. Sm did aarti of Sidneet at entrance then both came inside.

All were happy. They spend sometime as family then went home back.

Happy ever after


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