Chapter 39

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Eyes of Jai, Abhi, Sm, Kiyu, Reyansh just popped out of socket as they saw Sid. Tears brimmed in Sm's eyes. Lisa was hella shocked looking at girl

Avi (glaring Reyansh): Mr Siddharth please come in witness box

Sid went and stood in witness box.

Lawyer (smirk): What he is doing here? He should be in hell
Avi (glaring): Time will decide that

Lawyer (went to sid): I think you are rapist
Sid (looking at Reyansh): No. I am not
Lawyer: Didn't you confessed by your own self?
Sid: I did cause Mr Reyansh made me believe it
Lawyer: You are not a child that you believed whatever anyone is saying you
Sid: But-
Lawyer (cuts him): My lord he confessed 2 weeks back that he is the one who raped 5 girls. A week ago he supposed to be hang to  death. How can we trust on criminal's words?
Avu: He isn't lying. He is Innocent after proving it. We saved him my lord
Lawyer: My dear friend you have any proofs?
Avi (taking a file): I have. But first my lord I want you have a look on this file. We proved innocent to Mr Siddharth and saved him. These are documents of case of Mr. Siddharth

She forwarded the file. After checking the file

Judge: These are official papers of government. So he is proved innocent. Mr Siddharth do you have anything to say about Reyansh?
Sid (nodded): After I completed my studies around a year ago. For the first time he asked me to come to his banglow where his all crimes are done. I wasn't ready to go there. So he forced me to come there. I went and he asked me to rape a girl. I denied then he threat using my mother's name. I still denied later don't know how I felt unconscious. After some hours when I woke up. I was in a room fully naked and a girl beside then he said I rape her and obeyed him and all. Girl was crying saying I raped her and all. I somehow gathered courage and went police station to file complain against him but officers didn't accept it saying I am lying. I don't knew what else I can do. So I stayed quite but again after sometime he asked me to come to his banglow and threat me using my mom and sister's name. These all happened 5times. Once somehow I managed and complained to officer. Same evening he beat up my mother.
Avi (smiled, squeezing her eyes): Thanks Mr. Siddharth you can have seat

Sid came out of witness box. Abhi his hand to Sid. Patting seat beside him. Sid smiled with teary eyes. He went and sat in between Sm and abhi. Sm cups his face kissing on his whole face. Avi saw them and smiled

Avi: My lord I want to call Tessa in witness box

Girl who came with Ridham and Sid. She came in witness box. Her hands were shivering.

Avi (held her hands): Calm down. I am with you

Tessa nodded. Reyansh, Lisa, Lawyer/ Raghav was shocked.

Avi: Tessa please introduce yourself and say what you want to say Tessa (nodding): I am Tessa. Daughter of Reyansh and Lisa (Sm, Abhi, kiyu, Jai got shocked).

I am 17yrs old. Mr Reyansh has extra marital affair with my mother. My mother is basically from Mexico. She is mafia too of Mexico. (She closed her eyes taking deep breath)

Around 20yrs ago. Mrs Nigam. I mean 1st wife of Reyansh. She was pregnant with 3rd child and after diagnosis she got to know it's a girl. Reyansh asked her to abort child but she refused and left him taking both sons with her. After she left him Reyansh came to Mexico for some drug deal. There he and my mother fell in love. After 3yrs I born. Reyansh took my mother and me here from that time. I am living with my mother and Reyansh at his crime house. The lawyer is fighting against Reyansh is non other than his secretary. He is also a part of all Reyansh's crimes.

Since childhood they treated me as Slave. As they don't like daughters. Never they allow me to take step out of house in 17yrs.  They always used to harrase me. I know each and every crime done by these two. May be my statements won't be helpful but I have actual proofs.

Lawyer: You mean to say you have CCTV footage?
Tessa: Yes

Lawyer got shock and took step back.

Tessa: Around 7 months I fell in love with a maid. She was 19yrs old. She helped me to arrange CCTV in whole house. So that with proofs I can be free. In that CCTV footage. It is clearly shown Siddharth everytime denied Reyansh but Reyansh use to spread drugs in room cause of that drugs Siddharth use to lose his conciousness then girl use to come and rape him. Later on when he get concious Reyansh used to say Siddharth raped girl. (She forwarded the footage. Judge saw it and nodded)

Month back Reyansh got to know about me and my mate loving each other. So 15-20days back he asked his younger son Siddharth to rape me which he denies. So Reyansh came to me and he asked me to rape Siddharth as he don't want Siddharth to marry his love. I too denied. So he spreaded ethinal drugs in room. We both end up together. (Each and everyone has tears in eyes by now)

When Siddharth get concious again same thing repeated with him. When I got concious he told me same that I raped him but i had CCTV footage. So I got to the truth.

(Tessa broke down) but it wasn't enough for him. He killed my mate when Siddharth got married

Abhi was fuming in anger. So kiyu was. Sid was looking down controlling his tears.

Tessa (cracky voice): Last week Officers got to know about Reyansh's crime house. They came there and I got chance and shared with them. There was sometime in Siddharth's death. So this is how we could save him

Lawyer: So-
Tessa (cuts him): After police arrested Reyansh you was busy in his case. Did you checked I wasn't home this whole week? (She asked raghav)

Lawyer was speechless. After proofing some of his more crimes

Judge: As the proofs and witnesses. Reyansh and Lisa got punishment. They are gonna live separately in solitary confinement and they have to give worm food. That worm will spoil their organs they have to bare the pain and apparently they will die when there organs will spoil. Lawyer of Reyansh have to live in Jail for lifetime. (He punished few more people)

Judge left. Officers arrest the criminals and left. Avi with tessa and rohit came to the family

Sm (hugged her): I am proud of my baby
Jai: I am sorry I reacted that way with you
Sid: It wasn't your fault. If tessa wasn't there. I too was thinking as criminal

Everyone was happy


To be continue.....

You guys might be felt disgust while reading it but it is a real face of our society

Hope I explain properly

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