Chapter 30

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Sid (gritting his teeth): Yeah true. She must be at bar. Protecting some girls from the bastards like you

Rey's smirk went off. He stormed his feet and left. Sid was impatiently waiting for kiyu to send number.

Sid's phone rang. He quickly received it. It was an unknown number

Sid: Hello
Voice: Hello Siddharth. I am harsh Avneet's friend
Sid (worried): Harsh you know where is Avneet? Still she isn't back home. She went with anushka I think so
Harsh: Umm..... yeah. Actually she met an accident
Sid (shocked): What? Where is she? Send me address I will come
Harsh: Calm down Siddharth. Calm down. Listen to me
Sid: Hmm
Harsh: We are at Kem hospital. But Avneet isn't concious. You stay at home. I will-
Sid (firmly): I am coming. I can't stay at home

He hangs up the call

Sid (worried): Mom, bhai Avneet met an accident. I am going hospital
Sm: Wait. I am also coming
Abhi: Me too
Sid: Bhai we shouldn't leave bhabhi alone with that bastard

Just then vaishu came. She looked at everyone and sense something is wrong

Vaishu: What happened?
Abhi: Avneet met an accident
Vaish (worried): What? Why the hell you guys are still here. Let's go to hospital fast. Abhi go and start the car and don't let Sid drive. I will call aadi till the time

Abhi, sid quickly went out. Abhi sat on driver seat and sid on passenger seat. Soon Sm and vaish too came with aadi and sat on back seat. Abhi drove the car.

Soon they all reached hospital and rushed towards Avi's room

Outside Avi's room they saw Harshnoor and anu. Anu had a little cut on head

Sid (breathing fast): Where is avi? How is she?
Ash: Calm down. She is in room
Sid (stepping towards room): Okay. I am going
Harsh (hurried): Stop you can't
Sid (shocked): Why??
Harsh: She isn't concious and she is in observation. We aren't allowed to meet her till she gets her concious

Nurse came out

Sid: What happened? How is she? Can I meet her?
Nurse: No. She isn't concious. She is out of danger and please don't make noise. Only one person can stay here. It's request you all go from here
Sid (declaring): You all go. I am here. I will inform you

All nodded as they know it's useless to discuss with him. After a few minutes everyone left. Sit sat on chair.

Skip to next morning.

All came and saw Sid was sleeping. Sm shook him. Sid woke up with jerk

Sm (sat beside sit): Avneet got concious?
Sid (rubbing his eyes): No mom
Anu: Reem and kyaaraa are coming here

Sid nodded. They all sat waiting some minute later nurse came

Nurse: Patient is concious now you can meet her.

All quickly went inside. They saw avi. Her forehead was covered with bandage and left arm was fractured

Sid sat beside her and hug her

Sid (whisper): Bacha you scared me like hell
Vaish (fake cough): Ahem! Ahem! Devar jii my little son is here also here. Don't spoil him

Sidneet apart the hug and saw everyone was smirking.

Just then jai barged in. Sid stood up maintaining distance from avi.

Jai (worried): Are you Okay princess?

He sat beside avi and hug her

Avi (smiled): I am fine bhai
Jai (sarcastic): I can see that

Kiyu, reem came with all avu's friends. Reem saw Jai and got shocked

Reem (shocked): Jai you here?
Jai: Harsh informed me about Avi's accident. So I wrapped meetings in hurry and came here
Reem (hug jaineet): Bub how's you?
Avi: I am good.

Jai looked around and saw Nigams

Jai (surprised): Mr Nigam you here? Oh! You must helped avu?
Avi (shook her head): Bhai
Jai (confused): What?
Avi (closed her eyes): He is my boyfriend
Jai (shocked): Why?

Reem smack her forehead

Reem (jumped beside avi): Let's take nap avu. Jai when your lecture as over possessive brother end. Wake me up. I will give you another lecture explaining why he is good for avu and you should except him then he will agree Jijju. Take a chill pill. You can also sleep while listening his boring lecture.

Everyone except Jai silently giggle.

Harsh: You know Jai very well
Reem (fake crying): I have to bare him for lifetime. God please save me

Everyone chuckled.

Jai hug sid. Everyone was happy

To be continue......

Now story will take a fast speed.

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