Chapter 34

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Abhi (stammering): Avneet.. Avneet He.. He mus.. must be.. ly.. lying.. Rey.. Reyansh Nigam.. may be.. for.. forced him.. to.. con.. fess.. lie
Anu: Yeah that can be true. We can go with option of Instant DNA test of his but we can't do anything for Reyansh Nigam
Abhi: Kill him or do whatever you want I don't care.

Vaish, Kiyu, Avu was shocked. Harsh called geneticist for DNA of Siddharth

Vaish (shocked): Abhi you knew dad about being mafia?

Abhi was searching for words.

Sm (controlling her tears): Yes. Me, abhi, sid knows that but we was in his pressure so we couldn't do anything neither we wanted to scare you so we didn't shared anything. But I know my sid can't do this. He is innocent
Harsh: Geneticist is on way. We have DNA of all the girls. If DNAs of his with those girls matched then he is a rapist we can't do anything

Abhi nodded. Kiyu went to Sid

Kiyu (cups sid's face, cracky voice): Bhai you are my inspiration, you always respects each and everyone. You didn't did this nah? It's not true nah?

Sid didn't said anything. His eyes was also filled with tears. He looked down cause of guilt.

Abhi too went near Sid

Abhi (patting sid's cheek, tears were rolling on his cheeks): Hey champ tell us what's the truth? I promise I will do whatever will be needed to punish Reyansh. Speak up champ
Sid (whisper): Bhai it's true. Yeah he asked me to do but it's true bhai

Kiyu (slapped Sid hard, shout): I always always thought you are my inspiration, you respect each and everyone but I was wrong. I was wrong. I feel shame that you are my brother. One day dad, dad my foot that Reyansh is asked you to rape a girl and you did. Tomorrow he will ask you to rape me. You will do that too? I hate you. I hate you. Just go and die anywhere just go

Sm came to kiyu and hug her. Kiyu broke down. So Sm. Abhi didn't said anything he was numb. Don't know what to say? How to react? Vaish came to him and hug him. Avi was looking at Sid emotionless. Neither a single tear coming from her eyes. Nor a single word from her mouth from the moment Sid confessed the truth. Aadi slept of sofa after alot of crying. Everyone was damn shocked that no one realised how scared that little one was!

Anu saw her. She went and hug her trying to get her back to senses but Avneet didn't. Harsh call Jai but didn't shared any information with him on call as he know how much Jai loves his princess. He knew avu need him the most now. It's not even 24hrs that she came in her new family to start a new chapter of life, new journey of love and memories but  her fate wants something else. She don't even know anyone here to address a family member except Sid. The one who spoiled her life, the one for whom she came here, the one to she trusted for her life. She need a family. To support her. A ruthless, heartless cheka who know how to kill and behave with inhuman. Now her heart was filled with multiple questions, thoughts, memories she can't even understand a single out of it

After sometime Geneticist came. Ash guide him. He took samples of Sid and started testing it. It was an instant DNA. So reports will be here in 45mins. Geneticist was doing his work in mean time Jai came.

Jai (panicked): What happened?

Avi was Jai. Near entrance only she ran to him and hug him tight. She just broke down. She knew Jai is like a home for her. They way she is his princess same way Jai is her King. He will protect her princess at any cost. Sid didn't dared to look at Jai.

Avi (sobbing badly, even hiccuping): Bh- hiccup Bhai hiccup
Jai (worried, wrapped his arms around her): What happened to my princess? (Looking at everyone): What happened?

Looking at everyone Jai understood. Everything is wrong. It's not mess that can be clean.

Geneticist: All these DNA's are matched

Everyone except Jai's heart broke into millions of pieces

Harsh (took reports): Thank you. You can leave now.

Geneticist left.

Jai (trying to calm avu): What happened?

Harshnoor shared whole truth with him. Jai's eyes was burning with rage

Ash order officer to arrest Sid and throw him behind bars

To be continue.......

Usually DNA test needs mini 24hrs but I changed in story

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