Chapter 22

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Alas, All the students and teachers sat in bus and drivers drove off the buses at high speed. Few police officers went behind the buses

At school only chekas, few constable and principal was there

Principal: Can't we save my school?
Reem: We have to leave from here only 3mins are left.
Principal: Okay.

Principal left. Reem, avi, anu and constable sat in police jeep. Male constable drove it and high speed

Anu (leaning back on seat): Hash!! Kids and everyone are safe
Avi (checking watch): 1more minute then bomb will blast
Anu: But where is Jijju?
Reem: Let me call him

She took her and her phone rang.

Reem: Ashnoor

Reem quickly received it.

Ash: Hello!! Reem third chip is also decoded
Reem: Oh!! Great
Ash: Reem at nana nani park at 11.15 today the bomb will blast
Reem (shocked): You mean to say in next 13mins?
Ash (worried): Yes reem

And here they heard bomb blast in the direction of school and they saw it was 11.03 in watch

Reem (shocked): Okayy

She hangs up the call

Reem: They decided the third chip. Next place is nana nani park at 11.15 today
All (shocked): What!!
Anu: Oh my God. Buses went there only
Avu: Officers inform the officers who are with kids now about this and order them to take the buses at entrance of varsosa not near the sea as its main road
Officer: Okay ma'am.
Reem: Right now drive towards nana nani park

Anu took her phone and call harsh. He received in 2rings

Anu: Jijju where are you?
Harsh (worried): We stucked in traffic. Will reach in 2mins
Anu: Jijju bomb already blast at school. Come to nana nani park. Next target is at 11.15
Harsh: Everyone is safe nah?
Anu: Yes

She hangs up the call. Soon all reach at nana nani park.

Harsh: We have 7mins. 1st we have to help public to go from here. Explosion team will work for bomb defusion

Everyone starts working.

Some youth agers were passing there. Police asked them to take old age people if the seat is vacant on two wheelers or four wheelers. Chekas used police jeeps to help people and send them away from park. People are allowed to drive at high speed as saving lifes is main aim for now. Rescue teams was also there. Rescue teams were working on area near by nana nani park. The residents and shopkeepers. With one way or other all were trying to help people and save the lifes

Only 2mins were left in bomb blast. Most of the crowd was vanished by now

Officer: Ma'am, sir shall we leave now from here? As crowd isn't much. We all can run easily

Girls nodded. They called everyone and ran from there. They supported the people who left there with crowd

At a little distance as everyone was at safe place. They helped the public with public transport to reach at respective places

Reem (sighed): Once we have to check on kids
Anu: Me and Jijju are going to check on media and other. You and avu go to check on kids
All: Okay

Anu, harsh with officers sat in one car. Reemneet in other

With Anu, harsh. After few minutes. They reached at the place where media was there for question answers. Head of defense department came to them.

Head: Give me all the details. So that I can update this to public and government.

Harsh and anu nodded and started sharing information. After sharing everything

Head: Okay you should go now. As you aren't allowed to come in front of conference.
Anu: Alright sir
Anu, harsh (saluting): Jai Hind Sir
Head: Jai Hind

Harsh and anu left.

With Reemneet both went in towards varsosa

They found only one bus was there and no police.

Both came out of car and went towards that bus

Reem (focusing to listen something): Avu you too can hear the sound of sniffing?
Avu: May be someone is crying

Both stood at door and got shocked

Avu (worried): Aadi

Aadi was sitting in bus and crying so badly.  He saw avi and ran towards her

Aadi (hugging Avi's legs, sobbing): Avneet di.
Avi (sat on knees and hug him): What happened to baby?

Teacher (came towards Reemneet): Mam his parents aren't answering the call and he is alone. So he is crying
Reem: Okay. Come we will drop you.

Both took him and left

Meanwhile at Nigam's office. Sid and abhi were in meeting. Someone barged in conference hall

Sid (shout): What the hell priya?
Priya (shout): Mr Nigam. Be quite

To be continue...
Who is priya and why she came like this?
I hope you guys like this terrorist part. Any flaws?

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