Chapter 4

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Jai open the door and saw a boy and 2 girls

Jai: Harsh, ash, anu you here? At this time everything Okay?
Ash: Yes. Everything is fine. We just want to meet avi, reem
Jai: Oh okay. Come inside

Harshnoor, anu came inside.

Reem: Hars, ash, anu here? Guys everything is fine nah?
Harsh: Yes Ma- man these two were irritating me. So I came here with these
Jai: Join us for dinner
Ash: We had

Avureem quickly had dinner. Then they 5 went in Avi's room. Jai went in his room for office work

In Avi's room. They sat on bed

Harsh: Mam me and ash got a clue. We can catch that drug seller
Avi: Guys don't call us mam. It's fine we are friends too and we can't reveal our information
Anu: Okay Avneet. I ordered inspector to put him in prison and use his ways. So that we can get the information
Ash: But I don't think so that person will spill the beans like this
Reem: We have our own ways to make him spill each and everything
Harsh: As per the information that person is head of drug selling. He is working under a gang
Avi: So we can come to know about the main gang too. That's what we want
Reem: So tomorrow at 11. We will go to police station and see this case
Avi: No reem, you and bhai go for date. I will manage this with anu
Anu: Yeah even di, jijju you too also go for date
Harsh: We should be there with you guys for information
Avi: Let me study this case tonight. Tomorrow I will handle
Anu: I studied this. Tomorrow me and avi will handle this case. Love birds go and enjoy

They had some chit chat then left for home. Everyone slept

(Author: Anu is working under Avureem as cheka. She is in 2nd yr. Had crush on ridham. Younger sister of Ash
Harshnoor: They are personal investigators of these 3 cheka. Harshnoor are also married. Harshnoor, anu are also orphans. They were with jaireem and avu in orphanage)

Next morning. At Nigam mansion. Everyone was eating breakfast. Laughing, teasing, enjoying. Reyansh (sid's father) came with a bad headache. Holding his head in his hands

He came and sat with kiyu. He side hug her

Rey (kissed her forehead): How's my princess?

Kiyu was little uncomfortable as she smell alchohol. Sidshek were continously looking at them or can say glaring

Aadi (excited): Good moning dadu
Rey: Good morning My little prince. Vaishu beta bring lemonade for me
Vaish: Ji dad
Sm: Wait vaish. Kiyu will go. You stay here
Kiyu: Umm... Yes bhabhs

Kiyu quickly stood up and went in kitchen. She took a deep breath which she was holding from long cause of alchohol smell. She made lemonade and went out. Sid took tray from her hand and order her to sit with abhi. Sid gave lemonade and went back to Sit beside kiyu. They silently had breakfast.

After sometime Rey went out.

Kiyu: Bhabhs I am bored. Let's go somewhere
Sid: You have your assignments to do
Kiyu: Huh!! I can't understand some points
Abhi: Bring your books we will help you

Kiyu brought her books she start studying, sidshek was doing office work. Aadi was doing drawings

Meanwhile at singhania house. For breakfast

Jai: After breakfast you both get ready
Avi: Bhai me and anu are going together. We will spend girls day out. Harsh and ash went for date. You and reem too go
Jai: Huh! Okay

After breakfast they went. Avu, Anu went to police station. They directly went in torcher room and saw a man of mid age 30's hanging upside down without shirt. He was beaten badly. Cause he has had so many scars of his body. Officers who were beating him saw anu, avu

Officers (saluting): Jai Hind
Avu: Spited any information?
Officer1: No mam
Anu: Alright. Just arrange our torcher room in 15mins. We will see
Officer2: Okay mam
Avu (to man): You have one last chance spill the truth or you are gonna regret
Man (smirk): You won't be able to do that. Kill me no issues
Anu: We ain't gonna kill you but definitely make you beg to die
Man (smirk): Let's see

Officers left. Person was still hanged. Avu and anu were discussing something.

After 15mins officers took that person and left. Anu, Avu went in torcher room or can say hell for criminals

To be continue....

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