Chapter 25

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In sid's car. Sid sat on driver seat. Kiyu on passenger seat and aadi on her lap

Aadi (shout): Chachu, chachi isn't in car. Call her
Kiyu (calmly): Baby stop shouting
Aadi (stood on kiyu's lap): Bee, chachi. My sister
Sid: Aadi sit down. Chachi will come some other day. Today she has lot of work.
Aadi (pout): Take my sister from chachi chachu

Kiyu was giggling. Sid roll his eyes

Kiyu (smirk): All the best bhai.
Sid (confused): Why?
Kiyu (smirk): He is gonna announce about his chachi at home
Sid (shocked): Bete ki dumb!

Kiyu chuckled

Sid (sweetly): Aadi
Aadi: Yes chachu
Sid: Umm... Aadi don't tell anyone about chachi at home, Okay?
Aadi (shout): I will tell mom, dad, dadi, dadu. Yes chachu I will tell
Kiyu (fake anger): Aadi stop shouting
Aadi (pout): Soowwieee 🥺
Sid: If you will tell then chachi will not come
Aadi (sadly): Why?
Kiyu: Chachi is planning surprise for all.
Aadi (nodding): Okay. When chachi will come?
Sid: Soon
Aadi: Yes. Chachu you are good boy

Sid roll his eyes.

Kiyu: Bhai when you will share with all about your relation?
Sid (blush): Soon. I was planning to talk with her soon

They continued chitchat. Soon reached home. As they entered. Abhinavi, Sm came towards them.

Vaish took aadi in arms. Hugging him tight. Abhi too joined both of them. Abhinavi have happy tears in eyes. A minute later aadi broke the hug

Aadi (confuse): Why you are crying?
Abhi (kissed his forehead): Baby are you Okay?
Aadi: Dad bad teacher beat me
Sid: Huh!!
Abhi: Sid stop irritating my son
Sid: I am not irritating him. He is irritating me
Sm (scolding): Sid
Sid: I am going to get fresh

He left. They chuckled and spend the day happily enjoying family time

With Avi. In evening Jai was doing last last minute packing of his bags

Avi (worried): Bhai it's curfew outside please don't go
Jai (cups her face): Bacha it's an important meeting. I have to go. Please understand nah. I will be safe don't worry. Curfew is in Mumbai not in Bangalore
Reem (pout): Jai please don't go
Jai (pulling both in hug): Arey baba. I will be fine. Try to understand nah. It's an important deal.
Reem (angry): More than us?
Jai (kissed forehead of both): No. My queen and princess nothing can be more important for that you both. Even my breaths too but girls we have to buy our own house also. We need money bacha

Both didn't said anything just hug him tight. So he did

Avi (cracky voice): Bhai I have savings. We can use that
Jai (aparted the hug): Savings? How?
Avi (scared): Actually I am working from home for a part time job. So I saved from salary
Jai (smiled): Keep them with you. You can use it for yourself. Buying home is my responsibility

Both girls were helpless. Avi nodded. Jai did his packing

Jai: Girls will you do a favour for me?
Reem: Say?
Jai (showing file): This file is of a new deal with ASK association. I am supposed to give them today but cause curfew I couldn't. So will you give them tomorrow?
Avi: Sure bhai. I will give it to me
Jai (giving file to avi): Tomorrow you both are going for trip. All the best and enjoy. I will be back by Wednesday. Avu I will text you address. Before leaving just give them

Avi nodded. He hug both of them then bid bye and left

A father weather is rich or poor. He never let his child to use money for home expenses which his child earned. No words for father's hardwork. Here Jai is also playing role like that.

As Jai left. Avi took phone and call police officer.

Avi: Officer now from my home a cab left. My brother is in that cab. I want him to reach safe till airport. So just follow the cab and as he reach the airport call me
Officer: Okay mam

Avi hangs up the call. Reem hug her. Both sat for dinner but mind was stucked with Jai. They were not in mood of eating.

Few minutes later. Avi's phone rang. She quickly received and officer told her about Jai reaching safely.

After having dinner both went to sleep.

To be continue....

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