Chapter 38

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After 1 week. Whole week all were sad. Still it was difficult for Sm to believe Sid is no more. Abhi, Kiyu was with each other now but this the trio isn't complete. Avi is totally busy in work. She was ignoring each and everything related to Sid. May be work is helpful for her to distract from sid and don't take stress. Everyone is taking care her alot. In all this the one who is happy wholeheartedly is aadi. He is waiting for his sister. He always fights with reem that he will get a sister.

It was the day of Reyansh's hearing. All were at Avi's home. Avi came from room

Kiyu: Ready?
Avi (cold face): Yes
Jai (hug her): You know princess I am so proud of you. I am sure mumma papa is also proud of our angel (Avi nodded and aparted)

Abhi: In all this case, investigation and fights don't forgot to take care of our angel and your
Avi: Yeah! Let's go
Sm (held Avi's hands and squeeze it): I saw how much you did hardwork to collect proofs and everything. I know he will try to save himself in one or other way. I want you to take care of yourself in all this. Don't pressurize yourself. No need to take stress

Avi nodded. Just then door bell rang and kiyu open the door. Rohit came

Rohit: Ready? We have to leave now
Avi: Ummm.... Yaa

Everyone went and sat in cars. Vaish, reem stayed at home. Vaish stayed with aadi and reem can't go in 4th month of pregnancy

Vaish: Avi is keeping everything in mind. She isn't sharing
Reem: Hmm... Neither is talking with anyone
Vaish: It's not good for her or baby
Reem: Hmm... We have to do something but I am sure. This pregnancy is so painful for her. It's only 4 months I know how much I am craving for Jai to be near me.
Vaish (teary eyes): I remember when I was pregnant whole family was with me. I always use to ask Siddharth I want to eat this. Bring that for me. At that he was a student while returning from college or specially he used to go and brought whatever I want. Abhi and me used to tease him alot that you are gonna take good care of your wife in pregnancy. Still he to complete every wish of aadi like icecream, chocolates, waffles regular aadi used to ask him and he buy for aadi. You know yesterday aadi was asking me where is chachu? I don't even know how to explain him. Sid didn't even got to know about his own child, about Avi's pregnancy and she is hiding her emotions and moods.

Both had tears in eyes. They don't have words to say.

Meanwhile with others. Few minutes later. They all reached court. Harshnoor, anu was already there

Ash: Let's go. It's almost time for hearing
Anu: Avu take care of yourself

Avu nodded. All went in. Rohit guides avu till her seat. He sat with her. Sm, kiyu, abhi on 1st bench. Anu, Harshnoor, jai on 2nd

Opposite party was also there. Reyansh was in witness box and lisa (terrorist) was near Reyansh both were circulated by officers. His lawyer was non other than his secretary. Reyansh saw Avneet. He glared at her. Abhi saw Reyansh glaring. He went and stood beside avi. He glared back Reyansh trying to kill him with it only

Judge came. All stood up to honour the judge. Abhi patted Avi's shoulder and went back to his seat. Judge gesture everyone. All sat down.

Judge: You may start the procedure.

Avi nodded and went in front. She starts accusing Reyansh and lisa for all the crimes they have committed. Defence lawyer tried to prove her wrong but avu had enough proofs that he wasn't able to argue with her

Judge: As per all the proofs and witness. It is proved that the crimes Reyansh Nigam is a mafia, murder, Rapist, he was with terrorists in bomb blasts, drug dealer. Lisa is a Le Ema, Drugs dealer, terrorist
Avi: My Lord I want to share a few things about the lawyer of Mr. Nigam, May I?
Judge: Permission granted
Avi: My lord his lawyer is also his secretary. In all his crimes he was also a part. I want him to get punishment
Lawyer: Before accusing you should have proofs against me
Avi (smiled): I have! My lord I want to call someone to give a proof against My friend Raghav and also that person knows something more about the crimes done by these three
Judge: Permission Granted.

Ridham came with a girl and our hero sid...

To be continue......

Here is our hero. He isn't died

Readers knows me so well. They know Sid won't die like this. I was literally happy with such comments

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