Chapter 29

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Around 5 in morning. Avi was feeling cold. She woke up and saw the position. She tried get up from his lap but his grip was so strong. She failed and sat silently. It was difficult for her to bare this cold

Avi (shook sid): Sid wake up I am feeling cold Sid

He didn't responded. Avi sat trying to handle the cold atmosphere. She starts sobbing silently  After few minutes Sid sensed his tshirt was wet from shoulder. He woke up and saw avi was sobbing

Sid (cups her face): What happened bacha? Why you are crying? Am I hurting you? Say bacha
Avi (still sobbing): I am feeling cold
Sid (kiss her on forehead): You could have wake me bacha
Avi (closed her eyes): I tried

Sid pull her in hug and starts rubbing her back to calm her. After she calmed down he broke the hug and kiss her tears then tip of her nose. Avi giggle. He again kiss on tip of nose to make her giggle again.

Sid (smiling, cups her face): Tu bas has hasdi reya kar

Avi smiled and Sid was lost in her smile. He lean a little brushing his lips on hers. Avi's breath hitched.

Sid (brushing his lips on hers): Can I? Bacha

Avi nodded smiling. He quickly smash his lips on hers. Avi too responded quickly. Lips were moving in rhythm. Both were fighting for dominance but no one won and they aparted the kiss as they were out of breath

Sid (smirk): Huh!! Few minutes ago someone was feeling cold.

Avi blush and jump from his lap.

Avi (blushing): I am going to take shower and get ready
Sid (held her wrist and pull her): It's only 5.20 you should sleep more. Even mom and bhabhi are also sleeping this time

Avi nodded. Sid took her in bridal style and went in room. Avi saw aadi was on bed.

Avi (whisper): Sid what if aadi saw you here? You go quickly.
Sid (lying her on bed): He is son of Abhishek Nigam aka sleeping panda. So like bhai he is also sleeping panda

He covered her with duvet then kiss her forehead and peck her lips. He went in his room. Avi slept

After around 3hrs. Sid woke up and went to gym. After sometime he came back and went in his room to get ready.

4hrs later. Avi woke up and went to get ready. After getting ready she opened the door and went outside as she was about to go down someone pulled her dupatta. Avi turned and saw a little puppy was holding her dupatta. She tried to take it back but puppy pulled it and ran away from there.

Avi was ran behind to take her dupatta back. She was running on stairs. Sid, abhi, sm, vaish was in dinning area for breakfast. They saw avi. Sid came running towards her. He held her arm and pulled her towards him

Sid (scolding): Don't run like this or your stomach will ache more
Avi (worried): Sid mine dupatta. See
Vaish: Baby give dupatta back
Abhi (smack his forehead): Why this puppy isn't listening to anyone?
Sm: May be he isn't feeling familiar with  atmosphere

A minute later puppy came to avi and gave her dupatta back. Avi quickly took it wrapping around her shoulder. Whole time Reyansh was looking at avi with smirk

Vaish: Come avi have tea and breakfast

Avi nodded. Sidneet went and starts eating. Just then Reyansh came and sat beside avi. Sid wrapped his one arm around Avi's shoulder as he saw Reyansh. Sm, abhinavi saw sidneet and smiled. Silently they had breakfast then went for respective works.

Skips to evening.

It was around 10pm. Everyone was home except avi. Sid was too much worried. He was pacing here and there in living area. He was damn scared. His heartbeat was out of control. Aadi was in room with puppy

Abhi: Sid try to call her friend with whom she went?
Sid (held his head in his hand): I don't have number of her friends
Vaish: Call kiyu. Reem is with kiyu nah

Sid quickly took his phone and call kiyu. She received it in one ring.

Sid (worried): Kiyu ask reem to send me Anushka's number now
Kiyu: Okay. But why you are sounding so worried?
Sid: Avi isn't home till now. Around 10 in morning she left.
Kiyu: Okay bhai.

She hangs up the call.

Vaish went in room. Reyansh came

Rey (smirk): What happened? Why all are looking worried. Wait where is your girlfriend Sid? Yaa may be at some random bar

To be continue...

Where is Avneet?

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