Surprise, Surprise

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Once again, I'm really sorry for not updating. Most of you must have heard about my family situation... So I'm really busy. But here's the newest update! :)



Naruko’s POV

I dashed forwards, drawing my katana. Kakashi leaped backwards in surprise, not expecting me to strike this early.

I sliced at his legs, but he had jumped up and avoided my blade. At the same moment, Sasuke charged at Sakura, with the intent to kill. Before he could, someone had intervened. Naruto.

"Dammit." I growled, as my brother turned around and noticed me fighting Kakashi.

I could immediatly sense his emotions. Anger. Sadness. Betrayal.

I took a deep breath, facing Kakashi, who was ready to fight.

As I went to attack again, someone grabbed my arm and stopped me. Kakashi's eyes widened and he leaped backwards, obviously alarmed.

I froze, looking up. Of course, it was Madara. "Don't attack, Naruko." He said. I bared my teeth, but obliged.

Kakashi watched me with wary and betrayed eyes. My stomach churned with guilt. Sasuke backflipped and landed next to me.

The four of us stood, Zetsu, Madara, Sasuke and I, facing Team 7. Naruto, not surprisingly, started talking to Sasuke about bonds.

He talked about their friendship, how everything changed, etc. I didn't listen, I already knew what Naruto was going to say. It was obvious. He's doing the thing he's always been doing. Talking.

I'm not just talking about chattering, I'm saying he has a way with words. When he says something like this, it just gets to someone. Except Sasuke. The Uchiha is too damn stubborn to actually comprehend other people’s opinions.

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now