4 Tails

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YES! THE PICTURE IS OF NARUKO, IN FOUR TAILS FORM!!!!! >:D The difference from Naruto's form is that the ears are shorter, and it looks more like a wolf.

Also, sorry for not uploading sooner! Honestly, I’ve been getting A LOT of work lately!


Third Person POV

All control was lost.

They were on a rampage.

Sakura watched in horror as the 2 jinchuuriki siblings lost control over their tailed beast within. "Ah, Naruto and Naruko!" Kabuto mused. "You've both come a long way as jinchuuriki... The power of the tails gets stronger and stronger..." He smirked.

Yamato narrowed his eyes and watched, as did Sai.

In the distance, Orochimaru slowly walked back. Naruto and Naruko turned to him almost immediatly, watching his every move.

When he looked up, it wasn't his face that looked at them. It was someone elses, and Orochimaru's real face was peeling off.

"You're starting to act more like jinchuurki... Aren't you?" He looked at Naruto and his sister.

The he looked at Yamato. "Now I see..." Orochimari paused, walking towards the group. "Thats why he was chosen to be your watchdog, yes?" He stared at Yamato.

"Seems some of my experiments came in handy after all..." The Snake Sage mused. Sakura turned to Yamato, confused. "Honestly, the Leaf Village ought to be more grateful to me... Wouldn't you agree, my darling little test subject?" Orochimaru mused. Yamato clenched his teeth angrily.

Orochimaru started to explain who Yamato really was, and what had happened in the past.

He brought a hand up to his face, paused, then removed it. His face was back to normal. (If you can call his face 'normal'.)

"Maybe we could put Sasuke to the test by pitting him against Naruto here... Maybe even dear Naruko." Orochimaru smirked, and Naruto and Naruko snarled.

"You don't own him..." Naruto growled as 2 more tails sprouted from his chakra cloak. The same thing happened to Naruko's black chakra cloak.

"Sasuke doesn't belong to you!" He snarled.

The air grew more tense, and everyone could feel the ominous chakra's building up in the air.

The chakra around the Uzumaki twins grew so dense that their own figures seemed to blur within them. "Don't talk about Sasuke... Like you own him! Especially infront of us, you rotten bastard!!!" Naruto snarled.

Darker colored chakra poured from Naruko and Naruto, whipping around in the air. An eerie screeching sound emmited from the chakra as it whipped around aimlessly.

Strong winds from the ominous chakra built up, blowing debri and chunks of the bridge in Yamato, Sakura, and Sai's direction. "Oh no!" Yamato gasped, shielding his face from debri with his arm.

There was a long pause.

The dark chakra's were sucked back into the twins bodies, and Orochimaru smirked. "Interesting..." He mused.

At the same time, Naruto and Naruko turned towards the sky, letting out deafening roars.

Kabuto ran forwards, but Naruto spun around and did something that sent him flying backwards. The bridge started to fall apart from where Kabuto colided with Naruto's raw chakra.

There was an explosion of chakra, and the bridge completely fell apart. Naruto and Naruko jumped backwards, safely landing on the ground. Sakura was rather unlucky, for she had been knocked unconcious and fallen off of the bridge.

Sai flew down on his ink bird, but didn't save Sakura as he passed her. Yamato cursed, and sent wood down to save. Luckily, it worked.

There was another explosion as Naruto and Naruko landed in the forest, where Orochimaru had followed. A crater was formed, and the two twins sat in it, their dark eyes flicking around for any sight of the snake man.

Sai's bird flapped its wings, trying to keep its place in the sky. The wind died down, but the dust rose in the air, blocking the scene from view.

Orochimaru landed on a broken tree branch, one of his arms missing. He smirked. No matter. He thought. Orochimaru opened his mouth, and a new form of himself slithered out, like a snake shedding its skin.

Naruto and Naruko watched, hunched down in animal-like postures. They bared their now fang-like teeth, and watched the strange Sage carefully.

Their eyes widened as a searing pain spread through their bodies. A strangled and animalistic gasp came from Naruko's mouth.

On Naruko, her bubbling black chakra formed into another tail. The 4th tail. The same happened to Naruto, but his chakra was red. Orochimaru watched in curiousity, studying how the chakra moved around like it had a mind of its own.

Naruko and Naruto fell to their knees, coughing and practically choking on the air. Their eyes were as wide as they could possibly go. Not to mention they had changed completely. Naruto's eyes had turned completely red, while Naruko's eyes became all black. They looked like souless voids of life.

The twins lifted their heads, gritting their teeth and making strangled noises of pain. Their skin started to peel off, oddly enough.

But underneath wasn't flesh. It looked somewhat like fur, but it wasn't as the same time. It was red and black streaks, that looked like they were moving, but it was possibly a trick of the eye. Obviously, it wasn't human flesh. It was as if it were chakra, but in the form of some sort of skin.

Their blood and skin floated up, forming solid black domes around them. Inside, where nobody else could see, some sort of transformation was occuring. Changes were being made to the tailed beast cloaks.

They became the cloaks.

Orochimaru watched, smirking. "Well this is... Different..." He mused, a strange and rather unfarmiliar glint in his eye.

Whisps of black smoke started to curl around the 2 black domes, and it curled all the way to the top. The smoke floated up into the sky, tainting it black for only a while.

Just then, there were two explosions of chakra, right next to eachother. One was red, and one was black. Naruto and Naruko.

Trees were uprooted and rocks were thrown back by the wind. Debri flew in every direction, and an even larger crater was made. Everyone shielded themselves from the debri, and even Sai's bird was destroyed.

Sakura stared forwards in horror. Yamato send his wood clone forwards, to see the commotion. But he knew full well what was happening.

Meanwhile, Orochimaru lay on the ground, his tongue flickering in and out of his mouth. "The things these children can do..." He mused, grinning darkly.

Yamato's clone jumped onto a broken tree, overlooking the damage. Then he spotted the twins, Naruto and Naruko.

A bead of sweat rolled down is forhead. "Damnit..." He cursed, staring. Naruto and Naruko had 4 tails, and it was like the chakra cloaks had molded into their skin, morphing them into mini versions of the tailed beasts they carry.

Animalistic snarls ripped from their throats, and they crouched down in un-human positions.

Their eyes were practically not there. They were pits of a bright, empty white. The same for their mouths.

A terrifying grin spread across Naruko's face. She tilted her head up, and did the last thing everyone expected.

She howled.


So sorry that its SO short! And I dropped it off on a cliffy ;D




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