Karui and Omoi

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Sorry I took so long to update ): ….Again. Gosh, I need to hurry up… Lol.



Naruko’s POV


I was walking down the street of Konoha, which was currently being rebuilt. Naruto and I were known as the ‘Heroes of the Hidden Leaf’, and that made me rather happy. I was finally respected again. It made me even more happy, because Naruto was finally so close to his dream.

Random citizens smiled at me, greeted me, and some even asked for autographs. It was incredible.

Earlier I had heard from Kiba that Danzo was Hokage, and that pissed me off beyond belief. I hated Danzo. And that he ordered Sasuke a missing-nin, and that he was going to be hunted down. Oddly, I was pissed about that too. I just figured it was because Naruto would be upset about it.

I saw Sakura and Naruto running down the road, and I followed. “Oi! Sakura! Naruto! Wait up!” I yelled, catching up to them. They nodded to me, and I nodded back. I knew exactly what this was about. Danzo and Sasuke.

We eventually found Sai, standing by a puddle. Sai showed us the seal on his tongue, like the one on mine.

Suddenly, a redhead girl from Kumogakure was pointing a katana at us, as soon as Sai said ‘Sasuke’.

“You tell us all about this Sasuke fellow!” She demanded. Naruto flipped around, grabbing Sai’s katana and clashing it with the girls. Right before the boy beside her was about to hit Sakura, I yelled “Dark Style: Hell’s Hands!”

2 pairs of shadowy arms sprang up from the ground and held the boy and girl in place. This jutsu was like ‘Shadow’s Embrace’, but the arms didn’t pull them under. They just kept them in place, kind of like Shikamaru’s jutsu.

The boy and girl turned to look at me, taken a back because of my Dark Style.

“What do you want?” Naruto asked. “We heard you talking about Sasuke. Tell us!” The boy ordered.

“It’s got nothing to do with you Cloud ninja!” Sakura yelled. “It’s got everything to do with us!” He yelled, making me snort. “Sasuke attacked our village! Your rogue abducted our master!” The girl yelled.

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now