That's Not My Plan

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Hey guys! I’m trying to update quicker, but I’ve have camp. And I still have it until next Friday D: But I found the time to make this (:




Naruko’s POV


“So Sasuke, where are we headed?” I asked, bored. I still hated the kid, but I wasn’t going to just kill him. My curiousity had gotten the better of me.

“To find Itachi.” Was all he said. My eyes widened. He’s going to kill Itachi! I thought bitterly. “Itachi Uchiha, huh? I hope we can find him.” Jugo said, as he and Suigetsu jumped away. Karin squealed and clung to Sasuke like the little bitch she is.

My eyes widened. Wait… I’m not…. Jealous… Am I?! I can’t be! I don’t like Sasuke! I thought. “Head out like the others.” Sasuke said coldly to Karin, who frowned.

Karin scowled and walked off. “What do I do?” I grumbled. “You stay with me. I can’t trust you alone.” Sasuke said, and I swear I could see a smirk on his face. If there was one, it disappeared quickly.

??? POV


“So which one are we going for? Sasuke, the Nine Tails, or the Ten Tails?” My partner asked.

“Hmmm… Which one should we go for…” I pondered. I leapt on my clay bird, flying off. “Hey! Stop!” My partner yelled.

Naruko’s POV


Sasuke and I walked into a field catiously. “Someone’s here.” I whispered. Sasuke nodded, and turned around.

“Show yourself. Who are you?” He asked. A shadow walked out of the trees, and my eyes widened.

Tobi walked out of the trees, cheery as usual. “So, Sasuke, huh? You really do look just like Itachi!” Tobi said. Sasuke sent him a cold glare.

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now