(SPECIAL) The Blood Prison: Part 4

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Once again, I didn’t update ._. SOOO sorry! It’s really difficult to constantly write, but I won’t give up. I’m not gonna let any of you down! :D


Naruko’s POV


Naruto and I glanced at each other, still standing on the roof, and we nodded.

Simultaneously, we summoned our Sage Mode clones. Smoke filled the area, but it quickly cleared, revealing the 2 of us standing in our Sage cloaks, with our clones behind us.

Naruto’s cloak was red with black fire, and mine was the opposite.

“So this is the Sennin mode?” Maroi laughed. “I’m impressed.”

Naruto leapt down, ready to destroy the box. “Senpou, Oodama Rasengan!” He shouted, drilling it into the box.

However, it repelled him and he head to jump backwards. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. Maybe, to destroy the box, you have to kill Muku…? I thought, looking over at the now mutated boy.

“It’s useless. I’ve tried countless times. This box cannot be destroyed.” Muku, or rather, the creature spoke.

“Why did you kill Mui?!” Naruto yelled.

“You want me to be grateful for the man that sent me into that box?” Muku retorted.

“He may have made a wrong choice, but he’s been trying to save you all this time!” My brother shouted, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.

Naruto dashed at the creature, attempting an attack. But it easily dodged them.

I narrowed my eyes, leaping down next to my brother. “Summon Gamabunta. I’ll summon Kentaro.” I whispered.

His eyes lit up, and he nodded, biting his thumb at the same time I did.

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now