The Run-In

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Hey guys! Another update ;D

I have nothing much to say, actually... Bleh


Naruko's POV

The Granny, Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, and I ran through the trees, as fast as we could go. We needed to hurry, if anything.

I froze in my spot when I sensed an all to farmiliar chakra ahead. My eyes widened, and it felt like my stomach had been pushed into my throat. Kakashi seemed to sense it to, and he held his hand up as a signal for us to stop and slow down.

We jumped into the clearing, and I nearly choked as I saw Itachi Uchiha standing there, in the flesh. I didn't think I'd be seeing him anytime soon. I saw Naruto glare and grit his teeth. Chiyo stepped up. "So thats the child that whiped out his entire clan..." she murmered. I bit my tongue, stopping myself from telling her wrong.

"Kakashi, Naruto.... Naruko.... It's been awhile..." Itachi said. I gulped, nodding towards him, so only he could see. A ghost of a smile appeared on my face for a millisecond, but it dissapeared before anyone else noticed.

"You all had to go after Gaara as well! I'll destroy every last one of you!" Naruto growled. Kakashi's eyes widened. "Everyone! Whatever you do, don't look him in the eyes!" he warned.

They started talking about strategies for fighting him, but I didn't bother listening. I saw Kakashi lift his headband up, revealing his single Sharingan eye.

I was to zoned out to hear what everyone else was saying. Thoughts were racing through my head frantically. I barely processed half of them. I was left in my own little world, trying to process all the bogus ideas my mind shot at me.

Itachi rose his hand, and pointed at Naruto and I. "It's time you came with me..." he said darkly. I shivered, not used to this side of Itachi. "Me first!" Kakashi yelled, charging at the elder Uchiha without a seconds wait.

Itachi caught his fist, and something appeared to fly right past him. However, Naruto just stood there, his eyes glazed over. A Genjutsu.

I placed my arm on his shoulder, along with Chiyo and Sakura. "Release!" I hissed. Soon enough, Naruto's eyes opened. He looked around frantically. "I don't get it... Where did his shadow clones go?" he asked.

"What Shadow clones?" Granny Chiyo asked. "Ya! You suddenly started freaking out and shooting your Rasengan at absolutely nothing" Sakura agreed. I narrowed my eyes.

Shit! I thought, my eyes widening as Itachi used his Pheonix Flower jutsu on Kakashi. The silver haired man dodged them all, but Itachi kept going. He made a large Fireball, and it hurled towards us. We all jumped out of the way, and the fireball exploded behind us.

I heard the farmiliar electric sound of chirping birds, and I saw Kakashi with his Lightning Blade. At the moment Itachi dodged it, I caught his Sharingan eyes, and I was pulled into his Genjutsu.

It looked just the same as the regular world, but this world was a whole nother. It was Itachi's world. He could do whatever he pleased in it. I looked up, and saw Itachi himself staring at me. I sighed, sitting down calmly. "I didn't expect to see you so soon... Sensei," I murmered.

A small smirk tugged onto the elder Uchiha's face. "Indeed. Neither did I, Naruko," he agreed.

I quickly stood up, a smile forming on my face. I ran up to the Uchiha, and hugged him. Itachi chuckled, hugging me back. I let him go and took a step back. "How come you aren't fighting me, Naruko?" he asked. I shrugged. "I don't want to hurt ya," I giggled.

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now