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Naruko’s POV


It was cold, and dark… Quiet, too. I wasn’t in the same jail as before, because it was destroyed by Pein.

This one was just a small, temporary one. All I could do was wait. For what?

My release, of course. This is a jail, not a prison. (A/N: Jails are for short-term stays, prisons are long-term, for year or even life sentences.)


I was told that today I was supposed to be getting out and, when the new Hokage is declared, they will decide my punishment.

My head snapped up when I heard footsteps echoing through the empty building. 2 ANBU appeared at my door, unlocking it.

I hesitantly got up and walked out, peering at the two of them as they stood behind me.

I sighed, walking up and out of the miniature jail. Once I was out, I turned to the ANBU. “Am I allowed free until called upon?” I asked. They both paused, then nodded.

I grinned, walking away from them. I needed a break, so I headed to the perfect place for a rest. Ichiraku Ramen Shop.

As I was walking, people didn’t seem to know about my recent ‘betrayal’, even if it wasn’t much of one.

Everyone greeted me with smiles and waves, shouting my name and complimenting me.

“It’s been quiet without you and your brother!” An old lady smiled at me. “Speaking of Naruto, he just came by a minute ago! He went to the ramen shop!” She said.

“Thank you.” I smiled, waving, and continuing on my way to Ichiraku’s.

Finally I arrived, only to find Naruto ordering his own ramen. I smiled lightly, walking over and sitting beside him. His eyes shifted over to me in surprise, then he grinned.

I was shocked, to be honest. I expected Naruto to be cold towards me, after all I’ve done.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “Why the hell aren’t you mad at me, Naruto?” I asked.

He just laughed, “There’s no point to it! It isn’t going to get us anywhere. And if I push you away you’re just more likely to leave again. I can’t let that happen.” Naruto’s voice got softer towards the end.

“Naruto, I hope you know that I never did leave you. I’ve always been with you. Maybe not physically, but mentally, I’m here for you. I will always be a part of you. Don’t you ever forget that.” I smiled softly, making him grin.

“Alright! Now let’s get some ramen!”

Teichi laughed, handing Naruto his bowl. He also handed me one. “It’s on the house!” He said, making Naruto and I grin in thanks and excitement.

We lifted our chopsticks, ready to eat. But suddenly we were reverse-summoned. Naruto didn’t seem to realize, and he dug into the food in front of him. But it wasn’t the food he wanted to eat, it was some bugs.

I looked around, confused. Then I spotted the 2 small toads in the corner. I shrugged, then turned and watched my brother eat the bugs.

When Naruto realized what he was eating, his face contorted with horror. I burst out laughing, holding my stomach and pointing at him.

“Baka!” I snickered.

Naruto just groaned. “Why are we here?” He asked.

“The Chief’s summoned you.”


Sorry it’s so short ): Im sick and I feel like crap so… Yeah.

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now