Chasing the Kazekage

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Hola, mis amigas! And occasional amigo's! xD How you doin'?



Naruko's POV

We were already running, for who knows how long. I saw Sakura look down, then yell, "Temari!"

I looked down, and saw Temari standing beneath us. We jumped down towards her. Sakura told her the situation, making Temari scowled. "I knew something was wrong..." She muttered.

"We should hurry," Kakashi added. I nodded.

"Right." Temari answered. We jumped up into the trees, Temari following, and sprinted off.

Naruto suddenly jumped ahead, and I could feel his pain. It's a twin thing, ya'know?

Out of 'twin' instinct, I jumped ahead with my brother. "Will you cut it out? Stop getting ahead of us!" Sakura scolded the two of us. I twitched. I knew EXACTLY how Naruto felt right now... They took Gaara... He's one of us. It's hard to handle, really. He's a friend.

"I can't take it anymore!" Naruto shouted. Everyone but me was suprised.

"I know why they're after Naruko, Gaara, and me. It's not a mystery or anything!" He yelled. "You know to, don't you, Sakura?" He asked.

Sakura looked down, a sad look on her face. "There's no point hiding it, ya'know?" I whispered, my voice abit hoarse. I looked up at the stars, a blank look on my face.

"Naruto and I... We're jinchuuriki. Me, with the 10 tailed Kyuumi... And Naruto with the 9 tailed Kyuubi..." I said softly. I heard Temari gasp.

"That's what these bastards are after... And thats the worst part about it! To them... We're just monsters! All those bastards see... Is the means to an end!" Naruto finished angrily. I looked down in guilt. No... You're wrong. There's Itachi... And Deidara... Sasori, too... It's not all of them. I thought, rather bitterly.

I looked to my right, and saw a tear escape my brother's eye. I frowned. "Don't cry..." I whispered. However, nobody had heard me.


We were running towards the Sand, for we had just arrived. The sandstorm had stopped not to long ago.

In the distance, I saw 2 Sand ninja pointing and waving at us. "We've been expecting you," One of them said.

"We must hurry," The other finished.

We sprinted through the village, towards the hospital, where Kankuro currently was located.

Eventually, we arrived. The group and I dashed into the room. "Kankuro!" Temari gasped, running to her brother.

Some old lady stared at Kakashi, seemingly in suprise and hatred.

Our eyes widened when she charged at the silver haired Jounin. "Damn you!" she screamed, about to throw a punch at Kakashi. Jeez, dude. What did you do to her? I thought, rolling my eyes.

Quickly, Naruto and I were in action. I caught her wrist, pushing her back at least 5 feet.

"What do you think you're doing to Kakashi sensei?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I've waited for this day, White Fang of the Leaf! The day I get revenge on you for what you did to my son!" The hag screeched.

"I'm not-" Kakashi started, but the lady cut him off.

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now