The 5 Kage Summit

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Just giving you another chapter! (: This one is going to be… Well, short. Sorry guys ): School is back, and it sucks. Ugh




Third Person POV


Naruko was still unconscious, being carried by Zetsu. Sasuke constantly kept glancing at Naruko, which raised suspicion from Suigetsu and Juugo. Karin was just jealous. Zetsu suddenly stopped, remembering something. “Sasuke, watch the others. I’ll be right back.” He said, sinking into the ground with Naruko.

Eventually, he came back, but without Naruko. “Where’d Naruko go?!” Sasuke asked, surprisingly concerned.

“I gave her to Madara.” Zetsu said calmly, surprising everyone.

Madara’s POV


(It’s kind of hard to do Madara’s POV, so… It will kind of suck here. XD)

I slung Naruko over my shoulder, appearing on Naruto’s windowsill. “Hey. How about we talk, Naruto Uzumaki?”

“You!” He shouted, forming Rasengan. He hadn’t noticed Naruko yet, it seemed. I appeared on the roof, beside the hole Naruto just created. “A rasengan right off the bat, huh?” I asked.

Naruto seemed surprised. “You know it doesn’t work on me, right?” I asked again.

I already knew it was coming as wood wrapped around my body, also trapping Naruko to my shoulder. Yamato, Kakashi, and Naruto seemed to finally notice her, and their eyes widened.

Kakashi appeared behind me, Chidori ready. “You know you cannot hit me while I have Naruko, Kakashi.” I said.

Kakashi stayed silent, narrowing his eyes. “Uchiha Madara.”

Third Person POV

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now