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Ugh writers block ._. This story has gotten boring to me, honestly, but I’ll continue it D:


Naruko’s POV

I sighed, standing in the forest with the others. Gai had gone off and fought one on one with Kisame… That idiot. Not that I didn’t trust Gai’s abilities, it’s just that I knew Kisame’s abilities. And they aren’t something to take lightly.

I could sense Kisame getting weaker, he was obviously losing.

Yamato flicked his wrist, leading us to the area of the battle. We walked in, seeing Kisame on his knees, defeated.

Yamato put him in a headlock with his wood jutsu, and Kisame surprisingly did nothing about it.

The… ‘Glasses intel dude’ stood in front of the shark man, ready to go into his brain.

I huffed, sitting down next to ‘glasses intel dude’. I stared at Kisame, who calmly stared back. Said shark man grinned, laughing at me. “Man, has it been awhile! It’s weird seeing you on the good side again. You used to be completely different!”

This comment seemed to disturb my group. They watched us, cautious. I was quite unpredictable, you see. But this far into business, I wouldn’t betray them.

I chuckled. “I’m unpredictable, Kisame. But still trustable!”

The shark man laughed. “Well your friends here don’t seem to trust this conversation.” He jerked his head over to the rest of my group.

I rolled my eyes, looking at them stoically.

“He may not be your friend, but he’s mine. I know you don’t like it, but get over it.” I hissed, standing up and dusting myself off. I ignored their sharp stares, and I watched the intel dude knocked Kisame out and placed his hand on both his and Kisame’s foreheads.

Everything was silent, until Kisame woke up and started struggling, blood pouring down his chin.

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now