(SPECIAL) The Blood Prison: Part 2

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Hey! (: I’m finally taking responsibility of this story and updating (: Sorry for the constant lack of updating. But I’m back! And once I finish this story, I do in fact have a plan for another. Hehe :D



Naruko’s POV


I snarled at Mui as my  brother suffered from the seal beside me.

Sure, I was running low on energy and strength because of the seal, but I could still go on for a while.

My lip curled upwards at the man standing before me. “No matter how much you had to bear because of your village, they don’t care at all.” Mui said blandly.

2 guards dragged Naruto away, while the other 2 attempted to restrain me. They grabbed my arms and pushed them behind my back, only fueling my anger.

I ripped my arms out of their grips, then spun around and punched them both in the face. They went flying back, and I felt quite smug.

That is, until Mui raised his hand, as if to control something… Which he did.

I gasped in pain as his seal started burning once more. The same 2 guards had gotten up and pinned my arms behind my back, dragging me away, but I was in too much pain to notice.

I soon fell unconscious from exhaustion, no doubt Naruto did as well.

Time skip


Naruto and I walked into the cafeteria, and everyone immediately fell silent. The two of us paid no mind to them as we strolled forwards to get our food.

A random guy slurped up some ramen noodles, making Naruto and my eyes sparkle. “Oh! There’s ramen here too?” Naruto grinned. “I bet it’s nothing compared to Ichiraku!” I added, nudging my brother, who nodded and laughed.

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now