(SPECIAL) The Blood Prison: Part 1

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Hey! Here's the first part of the Blood Prison special! ;)


REMEMBER! This is NOT currently relating to the plot. Naruto and Naruko are in Konoha for a little bit, but this isn’t after they get back from the Danzo thing! Pretend that already happened or something. This is NOT a part of the main storyline, it's just a little extra :) Enjoy!



Naruko's POV

Thunder boomed within the grey clouds as my brother and I stood in Lady Tsunade's office, with Yamato, Sai, Sakura, and Kakashi.

“The Raikage was attacked last night. The Hidden Cloud says you were the culprits, Naruto, Naruko.” Lady Tsunade stated, making my eyes widen.

“What? We didn’t do anything!” I narrowed my eyes, telling the truth. “You must be joking!” Naruto laughed nervously.

“These are drawings of the culprit that were sent in.” She said, placing two pictures down. One looked like Naruto, the other looked like me.

I narrowed my eyes. This must be all fake. I glanced at the others suspiciously, and I thought I saw Kakashi gulp. Immediately my eyes snapped to him. He stared right back, looking just as confused. But knowing Kakashi, he was quite a good actor.

My eyes drifted to Sakura, who also had a confused expression plastered to her face. “Lady Tsunade, this must be a lie! They were both with me last night!” The pinkette exclaimed. Oh, so this isn’t just a set up?

I pursed my lips, calmly turning around. That is true, Naruto and I were out with Sakura last night to get ramen.

Tsunade shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I must send you away."

Naruto got angry and went to create his shadow clones, but Yamato restrained him, confining him in a wooden box, which Tsunade sealed with a tag.

Yamato did the same to me, and Naruto and I were carried out of the office without another word. I sighed, cracking my neck. “This is gonna be a long ride…”

Time skip


We were carried into the prison, and taken out of our confinements. I sighed, stretching my legs. Naruto started yelling about being innocent and framed, and I sighed. “Naruto, stop.” I hissed, nudging him. He sighed as well, glaring at the guards.

“If someone framed you both, you would not be here.” The man, I’m guessing the warden, said, doing some hand signs. My eyes widened as he said, “Sky Prison!” And punched our chests, sending us flying into the wall.

I winced as a burning sensation took over my body. I looked at my skin, seeing fire red marks left behind. Naruto went to perform a jutsu, but I stopped him. “Don’t, Naruto. It will only wear you out. His jutsu prevents the flow of chakra.” I warned.

Minutes later, we were brought into our jail cells. I looked around, already guessing I was probably one of the few women in the entire jail. Fuck.

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now