Keep Your Promises

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I’m SO sorry I took so long... At first I was lazy, then I was surprised when I was brought to my cousins house. I stayed there for at least a week. Then, right after I finished writing the whole chapter on Microsoft Word, my internet goes down. Joy! And when it comes back on, my laptop doesn’t work. So I had to reset it and re-write the whole chapter! Sounds fun, right?



Naruko’s POV


I had gotten out of interrogation yesterday, with surprisingly no life-threatening injuries. I growled and sat in a cell, my hands shackled to the wall. I heard footsteps approaching, and I narrowed my eyes at the barred door.

I saw Tsunade walk in casually, along with Ibiki. I hadn’t spilled a single thing to him. Mostly because I actually can’t.

“One last time, Naruko. What information do you have on the Akatsuki?” Ibiki growled. I smirked. “Ibiki, Ibiki, Ibiki…” I tutted. “Take a look at my tongue, and you’ll know why I haven’t spilled. I wouldn’t anyways, but this still prevents me.” I said, sticking my tongue out.

Tsunade and Ibiki were both confused, but they still took a look. Their eyes both widened at the sight.

On my tongue, is a seal. It’s like the seal Danzo puts on the Foundation members. It prevents me from talking about the Akatsuki, like it prevents them from spilling about Danzo.

“I see… Are we not able to remove it?” Ibiki asked. I shook my head. “You can’t rip my tongue out either, that would render me mute.” I shrugged. Tsunade sighed. “Let’s get you out of here…” She mumbled, unshackling me and pulling me down the hall with her. I suddenly felt an odd feeling in my chest, and I knew exactly what it was.

“Grandma Tsunade… Where’s Naruto?” I asked, and her eyes widened. She stayed silent. I narrowed my eyes. “He went to help the others, didn’t he?” I asked. More silence.

“Dammit, Tsunade, you shouldn’t have done that! He won’t stand a chance against Hidan and Kakuzu!” I yelled. My tongue throbbed, but nothing happened thankfully. “I need to help him.” I stated, being completely serious.

“No, Naruko! Don’t be a fool!” Tsunade said. I knew exactly how to answer to that…

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now