Just Watch

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My apologies for not uploading ): The Blizzard, Nemo, gave my town 3 feet of snow. I’ve been shoveling a lot in the past few days. Not to mention in English class we’re writing an essay on The Call of the Wild (:


Naruko’s POV


Over a short period of time, Naruto and I had gained Bee’s trust and respect. We helped him save Motoi, and that was enough for him to give in.

And, of course, we had both already defeated our ‘dark selves’ in the waterfall. It was quite simple, actually.

(A/N: It may seem like I’m skipping a lot, but trust me, I have way too much to write.)


And now, we were in some weird ruins… The statues were headless, the architecture looked ancient, etc.

“You’ll fight your beasts here!” Bee said. I glanced at him weirdly, “Here? We’d wreck the place!”

Bee shrugged, just as Yamato appeared. “Yeah. Here.” Bee said.

Bee explained a few things while we were walking. I nodded, acting as if I were listening.

We approached some sort of cat… thing… Statue implanted in the wall.

“Inside of this, you’ll fight.” Bee explained. “All you got to do is have one of you stick your head in the statue. If you have darkness in your heart, the statue will bite your head off.”

“…Eh?” I tilted my head to the side.

Naruto just laughed and complied, sticking his head in the mouth of the statue.

There was a moment of silence, until Naruto shrieked.

I paused, then smirked. Little faker! I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and yanked him out. He had put his head inside his shirt, causing him to appear headless.

Yamato yelled in horror, shaking. “Naruto!”

I heard laughter, as my brother’s head popped out of his shirt. “I got you, Yamato!”

Yamato looked pissed, of course.

There was a pause, until Naruto, Bee, and I burst out laughing.

“I did the same exact thing!” Bee said, laughing.

Just then, a door slid open, revealing a rather… Strange… Area.

“Go inside, sit, and concentrate.” Bee said. Naruto and I nodded, complying.

At the moment, we were in separate states of mind, even though we were in the same place. Both of the cages were side to side, like usual, but Naruto and I ignored each other. We had to focus.

Where has the real you gone? I can’t sense you…” Kyuumi hissed, her eyes narrowed at me.

“This is the real me. I’ve changed, Kyuumi. My darkness is gone.” I spoke. I saw her scowl.

I floated upwards, towards the seal.

Kyuumi lifted her head in curiosity when I ripped it off, and opened the cage. She immediately stood up, grinning darkly. “This is a bad choice, child.”

She, just like the Kyuubi, knocked the gates open. She leapt out, roaring.

When they’re out, grab their chakra and pull it out! Bee spoke in both mine and Naruto’s minds, guiding us.

Naruto and I stood side by side, and our beasts did the same.

Just then, Bee, in his 8 tails form, burst through the wall. He wrapped his tentacles around both the beasts’ limbs, attempting to trap them.

However, Bee was easily thrown off.

The Kyuumi scowled, “Both of you, using my chakra! How dare you!” She roared, stomping her foot like a stubborn child.

Both the beasts leaned back, creating their ‘Tailed Beast Bombs’. They were blasted at the both of us, and we had to leap back.

The Hachibi blocked the attack for us, thankfully.

I took this opportunity to close my eyes, and focus.

I could feel my heart beat a mile a minute, I could hear my blood rushing in my ears. All other sounds were nonexistent in this state.

After only seconds, my eyes snapped open, my hands preforming the correct formation of hand seals.

“Dark Style: Devil’s Rhapsody!”



Sorry about the cliffhanger and lack of updates XD

I’ll try and upload soon! (:


Sweetamanda XO

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now