Alive Again

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Woohoo! I'm uploading more than usual, I'm on a roll! Hehehe! :D Yay me x3


Naruko's POV

"I'll spy on Konoha for the Akatsuki.." I whispered. It was true, I'd give them the information they need. Just nothing on Naruto. I would never betray my brother like that.

Deidara grinned, and nodded. "Bye, Dei." I murmered, awkwardly hugging him. He had no arms, so he couldn't hug back.

"Bye Naruko," He replied, chuckling at the fact that he couldn't hug back.

I jumped back over to the group, whom were waiting in a field. All heads turned to me, and I heard sighs of relief. "You're alright!" Naruto exclaimed. I nodded, giving them all a fake smile. This wasn't exactly a happy moment.

Sakura kneeled down and checked Gaara, and I watched sadly as she shook her head and stood up, walking back over to Kakashi and the others.

A scowl made it's way onto my face at the thought of Gaara being dead. He was actually a good friend of mine. Naruto and I were equal friends to Gaara, as Gaara was an equal friend to us. I clenched my teeth and fists, staring at the lifeless redhead.

I saw Naruto sniffing next to me, trying to hold back tears. "It's alright, Naruto. It's okay to cry," I whispered as my own tears welled up in my eyes.

"Why did Gaara have to die like this? He just became the Kazekage!" Naruto ranted. "Calm yourself, Naruto Uzumaki." Chiyo murmured from behind us.

That made Naruto snap. He whipped around, facing the Sand elder with angry tears streaming down his face. "Shut up!" He growled. "It's your fault! If you hadn't put that demon inside of him, none of this would have happened!" Naruto yelled.

"Do you know what kind of burden he carried?!" He exclaimed. "Calling us Jinchuuriki... What gives you the right to lable us?! Who, are you, to decide someone elses fate?!" Naruto let out a strangled cry, closing his eyes and looking down, letting the tears leak.

I turned around as well, my eyes closed, and tears also streaming down my face. Everyone stared in silence at the two of us. Two Jinchuuriki, crying over one of our kind.

I whiped my tears, and went to hug my brother. He did nothing, and I dried his tears. He continued sniffling, and I frowned.

Naruto hugged me back, and I let him go. "I couldn't save Sasuke... And I can't save Gaara either!" Naruto yelled. I saw Chiyo stand up, a determined look on her face as she strolled towards Naruto, Gaara and I.

She walked past us, and kneeled infront of Gaara. We all watched in curiousity and suprise as she placed her hands on the redheads chest, flowing chakra into the boy.

"Lady Chiyo! That jutsu!" Sakura exclaimed.

Chiyo just turned her head halfway and gave the pinkette a warm closed-eye smile. "W-What jutsu?" I asked abit shakily.

"It's going to save Gaara..." Sakura said. My eyes widened. There is no medical ninjutsu that can possibly bring someone back from the dead.. No.... Is she... Exchanging her life?! I thought, my eyes wide.

I strolled over, kneeling on the other side of Gaara. Naruto followed, kneeling down beside me. I saw Chiyo's chakra falter, and I placed my hands ontop of hers. She looked up, and smiled at me. I smiled back sadly behind my mask. (YES, she still wears her mask!)

Naruto placed is hands ontop of my own, and we both transferred our chakra to Chiyo, who transferred it into Gaara.

"In this world of Shinobi... Created by frivelis old people, it's a great comfort to know good sould like you both have come along," Chiyo smiled.  Naruto and I stared at her in suprise.

Book 2: The Shadow and the Sun DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now