Dami PoV
As soon as school was over I made my way to Yoohyeons home to grab Gahyeons book and then headed towards the pet shelter. Yoohyeon stayed back at school, probably learning in the library or something. I think she said something about an important chem test a few days ago, so she is probably studying hard for that.
I arrived at the pet shelter and got greeted by a bunch of dogs storming towards me and jumping on me. I stumbled to the floor, knocked down by a few of the bigger dogs, but I didn't care. I let them sniff and lick me as much as they wanted, giving out a few pats and scratches here and there. It took a little bit, but eventually they released me and I found my way back to my feet again, standing up. I picked up Pie, one of my and Yoohyeons favorite dogs in this shelter (don't tell the other ones, some of them are quite the divas). I gave her a few scratches behind her ear, while she cuddled into my arm. She yawned and I just had to smile at her cuteness.
See, this is why I like working at the pet shelter so much. These little guys always manage to put a smile on my face. It is kind of a safe space for me. You know, when you don't really like people and don't want to go home either, there aren't really that many places you can go. Plus, animals are better than people anyway.
"Oh, hi Dami. It is nice to have you here again." Miss Hwang, the owner of the pet shelter waved at me.
"Hi, Miss Hwang." I waved back at her, smiling. I really liked her. She is always so welcoming. "And I'm always happy to be able to be here."
"I can tell, kiddo." she said, while coming over and ruffling my hair, just like she usually does with the dogs when they did a good job.
I did what I usually do when I come here. I made sure all the dogs, cats and other animals had enough to eat and drink. Gave everyone some pets, attention or a good old brush, whatever they needed. Just be there for them while Miss Hwang was out, play with them.
After I made my round I threw my backpack in the corner and sat down besides it, Pie still cuddled into my arms. At this point I think she fell asleep. I reached for my backpack, careful not to wake her, and grabbed Gahyeons book out of it. I was determined to finish reading the last few pages.
When I grabbed that book at Gahyeons place and I found out that it was a romance book, I really didn't think that it would be that interesting. I really thought that I would dislike it and find it boring. But I was wrong. It actually really caught my interest, So much that I couldn't put it down for the weekend and I really wanted to know how it ends.
But I couldn't really concentrate. Everytime I read a sentence my mind wandered off. I kept thinking about the fact that Gahyeons was probably coming later. To one of my most sacred places. A place that I only ever went to alone or with Yoohyeon a few times. But every time I tried to shake that thought out of my head again. I mean, it's not like this will be a big deal. She will just come to get her book, not because I asked her to come. And it's not like she will ever come here again. Or speak to me. So why was I stressing out over it so much?
"Pie? You know, Gahyeon maybe comes later. And I know you don't even know who that is and you don't care either, but I'm kind of stressing out over it. Help me, please. What do I do?"
I got no answer. Which makes sense considering I was talking to a dog. I don't know why I'm even expecting an answer. I looked down and found Pie still sleeping in my arms. Why is she so freaking adorable.
"Never mind, I guess. Dream of nice things." I said, kissing her head. If it wasn't already bad enough that i was talking to dogs (which happens a lot more often than I want to admit), now I'm even talking to sleeping ones.

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanfictionDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)