Dami PoV
Luckily it only took two hours for Yoohyeon to find an outfit and get her makeup down. I didn't really mind though. As soon as she had her outfit chosen, I got to keep reading my book in silence, while Yoo did her makeup.
Oh god, I know that voice. Yoohyeon only uses that voice when she wants something that she knows I definitely don't want.
"Hmm?" I just responded.
"How about some makeup?" she asked, popping her head out of the bathroom door and looking at me with her trademark puppy eyes.
Honestly, I'm not really a big fan of makeup. It kind of makes me feel weird. I don't know how to explain it properly, but it always feels like I'm trying to hide something or change, just so that other people like. But guess what, screw social standards. Who needs that anyway. Most of the time I don't really wear makeup. It's just extra work in the morning, that I could be spending sleeping, just to fit into the expectations of society. No thanks. Plus it's one more thing that drives my parents completely insane.
But looking at Yoos hopeful expression, I knew I had to give in this one time. If this girl wants something, she's not going to back down before she gets what she wants. And I guess that includes me getting all dressed up tonight. Even when it is against my own will.
"Please?" At this point I didn't think her puppy eyes couldn't get more intense, but somehow they did.
"Ughh, fine." I gave in. "But keep it to a minimum, please?"
"I'll take what I can get." she said, while erupting into a little happy dance and readying her utensils.
"Gosh, I'm scared." I laughed, looking at her huge box full of makeup.
"Don't worry. I got you." and soon she started working on my face.
Lucky for me, she decided to only do some eyeliner, which meant I was ready soon after.
All dressed and done I stood up and flung my backpack over my shoulder, ready to go.
"You don't intend to take this with you, do you?" Yoo asked, looking at me suspiciously.
"But my book is in there." I whined. I don't go anywhere without my book. What if I get bored. Or what if everything will be too much. Whatever it is, books help me through everything. They are kind of like my emotional support item. Only the thought of it being there usually helps me a lot.
"We are going to a party! Not a book club!" Yoo contered.
I got my book out of my backpack, hugging it tightly to my body. "But I need it. What if -"
"No." Yoo gently took the book out of my firm hold on it and placed it on the bed. "You won't be needing that. And if anything happens, you still got me, okay?"
I really don't know why, but somehow being without a book on me makes me really uncomfortable. But I also know that Yoohyeon won't give in.
"Ugh fine. But if I have an emotional breakdown at this party it's gonna be your fault."
"I'll take what I can get!" Yoo cheered, grabbing my hand and dragging my out of her room.
Half an hour later we finally arrived at Suas place, waiting for her to come outside, so we can drive to the party together. We would have been here way earlier if Yoohyeon wouldn't have driven. Honestly, I really don't know how this girl can be so clumsy and forgetful. We literally spent half of the time being lost somewhere, because she forgot to take the right turn.

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanfictionDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)