Dami PoV
"I don't think it's a good idea to use the letter."
Yoohyeon said in a hushed whisper as I walked up to our lunch table. "Isn't that some sort of emotional warfare"
Both Yoohyeon and Sua were already seated, with their food trays in front of them, whispering all huddled together. They seem to be arguing about something, though I have zero clue what about. But they seem so deep in conversation, I don't think they see me approaching.
"It's been a week and she hasn't done -" Sua suddenly fell quiet as I plopped myself down opposite them. She glanced at me, before smiling as if nothing happened. Now that seems suspicious.
"What letter? What are you guys talking about?" I asked, because I'm naturally a curious person and I want to know why my friends are acting weird lately.
"Oh, just-" Yoohyeon started, but got forcefully rammed an elbow in her ribs by Sua.
"Nothing." Suas' voice was so loud, everyone in the dining hall looked at us at once. Awkward.
I crunched my eyebrows together and looked at them skeptically. This past week those two have been acting really strange. I had caught them whispering several times, but everytime I walked up to them or tried to join the conversation they suddenly stopped or changed the subject entirely. They have been keeping our schedule out of school busy too. So far we've already gone to the cinema, the gaming alley, the pet shelter and the library even twice. Pretty much all the stuff I usually do for fun.
At first I thought they had been trying to cheer me up after what happened at the police station. You know, doing all activities I like, so I don't have to think about my screw-up of a family. And the bureaucratic system of the police is just so messed up. They literally called me in to fill out forms, and then they asked what felt like a million questions. About my situation at home, about my relationship to my parents and my situation at school. They asked me to retell what had happened when my dad came to yoohyeons apartment, which was definitely something I didn't want to revisit or even think about ever again. But yet they made me talk about it, no matter how hard it was for me. They had said it was necessary to assess the situation, so they can figure out the charges my father will face. So they figure out what to do with my family situation, if I have to go back home. With everything I have in me, I hope I can stay at Yoohs place. I don't want to go back home.
It was exhausting. But I was happy that Yooyheons mom was there, building an anchor for me to hold on to. I had tried to be as honest as I could and tried so hard to hold all of my emotions in. Still, when we came home that day I cried and was happy to find Yoohyeon with open arms, holding me when it all came crashing in.
Since then Yooh and Sua have been trying extra hard to keep me happy and to keep the conversation light hearted at all times. I'm grateful, but at the same time I'm not sure it will help.
Especially when lately I couldn't quite shake the feeling that they are hiding something from me. That maybe all the stuff we did the past few days was not only to keep me entertained, but also to keep me distracted. It probably sounds paranoid. I mean why would they be hiding something? And what would they want to distract me from?
I wanted to get to the bottom of this. "Why do you two sound so suspicious?"
"What? Me? I don't sound suspicious." Sua replied, in a voice that was so high it made her sound even more dubious. So there is something going on.
"Yes. Yes, you do."
Just at that moment the doors swung open and the entire dining hall suddenly fell awfully quiet. In walked Handong, followed behind her by Jiu, Siyeon and Gahyeon, who had Yeontaes arm dragged over her shoulders. A queen bee with her loyal worshippers. They looked like they came straight out of K-Drama. The only thing missing is the slow motion.

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanfictionDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)