Sua PoV
"That's weird right?" Yoohyeons voice was laced with worry. She stared at the door her mom and Dami left through like she was willing them to come back with her look alone. "Why would they need her in for questioning? What the hell?"
The way those two care about each other.
If I didn't knew for a hundred percent that they were head over heels for different people I could have sworn they were soulmates. Maybe they are. Platonic soulmates of course, almost like sisters. Man, I wish I had a best friend like that. Their fierce protectiveness of each other is incredible.
"I guess. Maybe -" I tried to voice my assumption when a ringing sound interrupted my train of thought. I felt a short vibration against my leg, indicating that I got a new message. Who could be sending me a text at that time? I called my mom earlier informing her that I would stay with Yoohyeon and Dami, and those two weirdos were my only friends. There wasn't really anyone else that could text me. Except maybe...
I held up my hand, symbolizing Yoohyeon that it was my phone that went off and to hold that thought. Curiously I took a look at my phone screen. On the screen it read a simple "Wanna meet?" sent by the same mysterious person I had been texting. The same person that has been ignoring me and all my texts lately.
"Remember the mysterious number I told you about?" I asked warily, angling my phone so Yoohyeon could read the screen.
"Oh yeah. You said something about that you been texting with that person and they have been ghosting you, right? But I don't think I understand fully." she exclaimed, her voice a lot higher and cheerful than usual. "Is that text from that number too?"
"Yep, same number."
"Wanna meet?" Yoohyeon tried to imitate a creepy voice, all dark and dripping with ambiguousness. She even wiggled her eyebrows for good measure. "Now that sounds hella creepy."
I stared at the text on the screen. I have to admit, it did sound a bit creepy. Especially because that person didn't write anything else. And god knows who that person really is. It could be anybody, really. Worst case scenario it could be a murderer or a pedophile. Best case scenario it could be a cute, but shy, person from our school, who just wants to meet and get to know me better. I know I should be creeped out by this situation, but honestly, I'm actually a bit curious.
I know logically I should want to meet them, but why do I kind of do. After texting with them, they seem like a nice person and I want to know who they are. Maybe they are hot. Who am I to blame? A girl can dream.
Plus I'm still mad that they didn't write back for such a long time. I want to give them an earful.
"I want to meet them." I stated. Even if it's just to yell at them for being a dick recently.
"What? Are you crazy?" Yoohyeon shrieked. "That's a stupid idea. You do see how dodgy that is, right?"
"Yes?"I shrugged.
"You don't even know who that person is, Sua! This could be a pervert. Or a murderer. O God, what if it's a murderer pervert, who wants to kill you to rape you. You're tiny, you don't even stand a chance."
"Hey! I'm not tiny!" I tried to throw in, but Yoohyeon was still at it.
"You're basically already dead meat. I'm gonna go and dig your grave. I can't believe I'm going to lose my only other friend beside Dami."
"Okay! I get it! You're right!" I stopped her from rambling even more. "I'm not gonna meet them."
"Oh, thank Jesus." Yoohyeon pulled me into a hug so tight, it was nearly crushing my ribs. "I wasn't ready to lose my second best friend."

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanfictionDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)